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Draco Malfoy

When I got back, I had to go to Azkaban, to get the information out of the two people Nott and Pucey has captured. It's said those two captured were the part of the secret order, the one forming against dark lord the one spreading rumours about Harry Potter being alive.

Before leaving the dark lord told me to use torture if necessary. I know I'm one of the few Death Eaters he actually likes and he trusts.

I walked into Azkaban, the prison guards bowed and showed respect, I felt pride that I was one of the few who had the dark lords faith.

The death eaters guarding the cells let me in, they were holding the two old wizards while they were tied up. I stepped closer to the two of them, seeing the old, scared faces of Nott and Pucey.

Once I reached Azkaban, I saw Dementors hovering all around the sky, the two death eaters standing at the gate, my face was covered with my hood.

I tokk careful steps ahead as the two death eaters block my way with their hands pointing their wands at me.

"Name, and mark, show us" they say sternly.

I surpassed the urge to hit them or roll my eyes at them as I removed my hood, which made them instantly take a step back lowering their wands.

"We apologize," they say looking down

I entered inside the prison walls, I could feel the darkness, the heavy atmosphere inside the place. I saw the Dementors floating around, sucking the soul out of the prisoners. It was a really dark place, but I didn't care.

I looked at the two death eaters with pure contempt as I approached Nott and Putcey. I could see those two were scared of me, and I liked the fact that I could make them fear for their lives.

I smiled. As I always did when I saw someone frightened by my face.

"We received a notice from our superiors that Theodore Nott and Adrian Pucey caught some rebels, so I would like to access them," I said, waiting for them to open the heavy iron gate. They couldn't look me in the eye as they hurried to open the gate just like I always knew they would.

"Yes, lord Malfoy." They said and they unlocked the gate as slowly as possible, I could tell the two of them are trembling, not a single word was spoken as I passed through the gate and headed towards the prison's entrance. The two of them closed the gate again as I went inside

I could feel the presence of dementors around me but I didn't let my focus shift away from my path. I could feel them getting hungry the closer I got.

I was greeted and bowed by another death eater, "Where are those captured rebels?" I ask him.

"This way," he nods leading the way for me

I let the death eater lead the way, he would take me to where the prisoners are being kept. I can already hear the sound of the prisoners screaming, it's not a sound I enjoy, but it's necessary for the dark lord.

"They are that way", he said. I followed the dark wizard, he took me inside a cell block.

He leads me through the prison's dark narrow corridor, it's lit with candles that seem to be fading away slowly. As we reach a door, the death eater opened it for me, and I heard the sound of someone in pain coming from the room.

I'm no stranger to torture, both receiving and giving. When given the option, I never choose it.

"Good you're here," Nott came from behind, pushing his hood down.

We walked into the cell to see a man tied in chains, bleeding from his arms and mouth.

"Where's the other one?" I asked, looking over at Nott and Pucey.

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