𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

"What's up," Ayra greeted everyone.

"So, when were you going to tell us?" Joe asked Ayra as she walked into his house, she found him, Jade, and a few of their close cousins gathered around the kitchen island, engaged in deep conversation.

"Tell you what?" Ayra asked, a little bit confused but hoping he wasn't asking about what she thought he was asking her.

"Don't play slow with us, we know about you and Dwayne," Joshua told Ayra.

Ayra looked over at Trinity. Did she tell them what she saw last week? Did Jade tell her? Man, she was hoping that she would have kept to herself.

"Nah, don't look at her like that. She did the right thing by telling us because we probably would have never found out from you," Jonathan said, slightly stepping forward and blocking Trinity from Ayra's view.

Ayra kissed her teeth and crossed her arms over her chest. "My relationship ain't none of y'all business, whether I choose to share it with y'all is up to me," Ayra said.

Joe glared at her. "See that's where you're wrong, Ayra, this is our business," Joe said, pointing at her.

"Fine, whatever. We've been dating for a year now so what," Ayra said.

"So what? What is wrong with you? Why him?" Joe asked her.

"Why not him?" Ayra replied before pouring her heart out, not knowing that Dwayne had walked in behind her. "He is the best thing that's ever happened to me because I'm finally in a relationship that is satisfying on every front and I could finally say, for once in my life, that I am genuinely happy. And that he is a big part of that happiness. He has become my biggest source of inspiration. I always know that someone has my back with him," Ayra told them with tears in her eyes.

"If y'all have a problem with him and me being together then that's too bad because he isn't going anywhere and I'm not leaving him," Ayra said, adding that she loves him.

"Do y'all have a problem with us being together?" Dwayne asked, making his presence known to Ayra as he wrapped an arm around her waist and gently pulled her against him while staring everyone down.

Ayra wiped her tears away from her eyes and glanced at him before facing Joe. "I know our age difference is pretty big but we love each other very much, I don't want to fight with you or our family, Joey," Ayra said.

Joe shook his head. "This doesn't feel right. I don't know if I can support this relationship, Ayra," Joe said.

Ayra sobbed as he walked away. Dwayne held her as he glared at everyone in the room.

Trinity cleared her throat. "Ayra I just want you to know I didn't mean to hurt you, I just felt that everyone had the right to know," Trinity said.

Ayra rolled her eyes. She didn't respond because she knew if she opened her mouth she would hurt Trinity's feelings with what she had to say. Instead, she looked up at Dwayne. "I want to go home," She told him.

Dwayne nodded. "Come on," Dwayne said.

"We ain't done talking," Jonathan said.

"We ain't but I'm taking her home then I'll come back and we can talk," Dwayne said.

"No, say what you have to say now, but just know we're not breaking up," Ayra said.

The next thing out of Jonathan's mouth left the whole room in shock. How could he say such a thing to Ayra?

"Fuck you, Jon!" Ayra exclaimed.

"You went too far," Dwayne said as Joshua and Jacob blocked him from getting in Jonathan's face.

"What? It's the truth. You know damn well if she wasn't damaged that you wouldn't be with her, she is a toy for you," Jonathan said.

"I want to go home! I want to go home!" Ayra yelled as she grabbed Dwayne's arm to pull him from getting in Jonathan's face.

"Stop, disrespecting her! You know I'll lay your ass out!" Dwayne yelled, pointing his finger at Jonathan.

Jonathan shrugged. "We fight if you want uce, but you're not going to date my little cousin, no one approves it," Jonathan said.

Trinity held Jonathan back. "Jon, stop it," Trinity told him.

"Nobody wants y'all together so end that shit now and we can move on," Jonathan said.

Ayra was not surprised by anyone's comments and reactions to her relationship. She had expected this would happen; for years after her accident, her family had placed her in a bubble. She had been struggling with her mental health, and her family treated her like a fragile object. But for them to think she couldn't have a relationship because of her issues was both insane and deeply hurtful.

"That's fucked up, Jon, especially when I was the main one who was supportive of your relationship with Trinity in the beginning when no one wanted y'all together," Ayra said.

"Don't bring up my relationship because our relationships and issues aren't the same," Jonathan said.

Ayra rolled her eyes. "A relationship is a relationship no matter what the issues are and I supported y'all both," Ayra told him before looking at Trinty. "Some friend you are, Trin, you couldn't even talk to me before running your mouth to my cousin, like that's crazy, but now I know how to move forward with y'all," Ayra said, nodding.

"Ayra," Trinity said, frowning.

"Bye, don't speak to me ever again," Ayra told everyone in the room.

Trinity did not tell them about Ayra's relationship with Dwayne to cause trouble; she simply wanted them to know the truth because Dwayne was involved.

Although not a blood relative, Dwayne is respected in the family Ayra is the beloved princess of the family, and everyone is highly protective of her. That is why Trinity felt it was right to inform them about Ayra's relationship with Dwayne.

If she had known they were going to react like this to the news, she would have kept her mouth shut until Ayra and Dwayne were ready to tell everyone.

Trinity was very emotional. "Please don't be mad at me, Ayra," Trinity told her.

Ayra waved her off. Dwayne argued with Joshua and Jonathan before Joe came back and jumped into the argument. It was so tense in the kitchen. The conversation got more heated and Ayra started begging Dwayne to leave with her because she didn't want him to stay behind and end up in a fight with her brother and cousins.

Dwayne knew he had to calm down. He did not want to fight them but he couldn't get over the disrespect. And he needed to get Ayra out of there because she was panicking.

"This conversation ain't over," Dwayne told them.

"Far from over," Joe said.

"Dwayne, let's go," Ayra said.

So Ayra and Dwayne left the house. As they walked to their cars, Dwayne told her that no matter what he would be by her side. Ayra nodded.

"It's us versus the world, baby," Dwayne said.

Ayra gave him a small smile. She didn't want that. She wanted it to be them and their families against the world. Ayra doesn't know if she is strong enough to fight her family or the world for her relationship but she has no choice but to fight for her relationship.

"I love you," Ayra said.

"I love you too," Dwayne said.

𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 (𝐅𝐘𝐒)Where stories live. Discover now