𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

A week later, Dwayne and Ayra head to the doctor for the first ultrasound of their baby where, in a touching moment, they hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. They become emotional until they hear additional heartbeats.

"Does that sound like more than one heartbeat to you?" Ayra asked Dwayne.

Dwayne was confused. "Is that more heartbeats?" Dwayne asked Ayra's doctor, Dr. Benin.

Dr. Benin moves the wand and finds two more babies. "Oh wow, I've never had this happen before but it looks like you guys are having triplets," Dr. Benin answered as she found the source of the extra heartbeats.

"How did you miss that in the first place?" Ayra asked shocked.

"Only the first baby was visible during your first ultrasound but the other two show up here," Dr. Benin explained, turning the screen toward Dwayne and Ayra.

Ayra's eyes filled with tears, seeing the three little kidney beans. "You're eight weeks pregnant and since it's triplets, we won't be following your due date of December 2nd anymore. Ideally, triplets should be born between 34 and 36 weeks but generally around 32 weeks in most cases. Every triplet pregnancy is classified as high-risk," Dr. Benin told them.

Ayra wiped her tears as she continued listening to Dr. Benin. "Keep in mind you'll be scheduled for more prenatal visits, more tests, and more scans than you would during a regular pregnancy. Getting plenty of rest is crucial with three little ones on the way. You may experience more severe morning sickness, exhaustion, and general discomfort. Triplet pregnancies are also associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. This can seem like a lot to take in, but I'm here to help you manage these challenges," Dr. Benin said.

Ayra kept staring at the screen. "With multiple births, there's a greater chance of needing a C-section. That doesn't mean you can't have a birth plan. We can discuss your preferences, but just know that I will be monitoring your labor extra closely to make sure everything goes smoothly. Since on average, triplets are born around week 34. They may need to spend a few weeks in a neonatal unit while they put on weight and learn to breathe and suck properly before you can welcome them home. And you can also end up staying longer in the hospital, so have plans in place for that, just in case," Dr. Benin said.

Ayra exhaled as Dwayne asked Dr. Benin questions. She was glad Dwayne was here because if she had come on her own she wouldn't have retained any information or asked questions. Honestly, she probably would have been sliding down the wall, crying at the fact that she is pregnant with triplets.

"She going to need to avoid stress, and with past trauma, her body has dealt, I'm preparing to put her on bedrest during her third trimester," Dr. Benin said, printing out a couple of pictures.

Ayra nodded. Dwayne nodded, taking notes of everything that Dr. Benin was saying and knowing that the family would have to be cautious with Ayra once they found out that she was carrying triplets.

"Having triplets can be challenging in many ways, but on the bright side, this rare and unique experience so enjoy it," Dr. Benin said before ending the appointment.

Dwayne was bursting at the seams at the news of being a dad to triplets. "Babe you're gonna be a mom. Do you realize what it means?" Dwayne asked Ayra.

"We weren't even trying but we ended up with triplets," Ayra responded.

While Ayra was grateful to be pregnant, she couldn't help but be put off by the fact that she was carrying triplets. She was prepared for twins but triplets are a different area that she wasn't sure she could handle.

"Hey, think of it this way, you dealt with Joe, Jon, and Josh, they're triplets, this will be easy for you," Dwayne told her.

"I might not get my body back after pregnancy," Ayra said.

"I'll pay for your mommy makeover if you want one," Dwayne said.

"You won't love me anymore," Ayra said.

"That's not true, I will always love you," Dwayne said as he assured Ayra that after having babies she would be more beautiful and embrace her new body.

Ayra sighed. "Let me call Joe so he can come and beat your ass for this," Ayra said as she pulled out her and dialed Joe's phone number.

Joe answered the phone on the first ring. "Hey, what's going on?" Joe asked.

Ayra puts the phone on speaker. "I need you to beat up Dwayne, I'm pregnant with triplets, Joey, that has to be attempted murder," Ayra told Joe.

"Triplets?!?! My God, what the hell were y'all doing?" Joe asked, shocked.

"Joe, we weren't even trying," Ayra replied.

"Even worse but congratulations," Joe said.

"I need you to come and get me because I need my big brother. I can't look at Dwayne," Ayra said.

Dwayne chuckled. "Ignore her, Joe, she's just being dramatic," Dwayne said.

Joe laughed. "Go buy her something to eat and congrats," Joe said, ending the call.

Ayra pouted. "I'm so serious I can't look at you like I have to carry three babies at once, no Hot Girl Summer for me, that shit not fair," Ayra said.

Dwayne shakes his head. "You were never going to have a Hot Girl Summer anyway," Dwayne said.

Ayra pursed her lips. "Whatever. You heard what my brother said go but me something to eat, you gotta feed your four babies," Ayra said as she sat up.

Dwayne nodded and chuckled. "Come on, my four babies," Dwayne said as he helped her get off the exam table. "What do you guys feel like eating?" Dwayne asked her.

"An eighteen piece signature hot wings with a large Cajun fries, mac & cheese with a large frozen mango lemonade from Popeyes," Ayra answered with a grin.

Dwayne laughed. "Okay then," Dwayne said.

𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 (𝐅𝐘𝐒)Where stories live. Discover now