𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

Dwayne slipped his arm around Ayra's waist and pulled her closer to him as he effortlessly guided her through the chaos of the hounding paparazzi until she was safely inside the restaurant. Tonight was date night for Dwayne and Ayra. After a stressful week, they needed this.

Several news outlets have been working hard running stories about the drama surrounding Dwayne and Ayra's relationship. Ayra was praying that it wouldn't affect their jobs but you never know. The creative may come one day and try to use it as a storyline.

Ayra sighed. Dwayne watched her closely. They took their seats in a booth in the back of the restaurant away from prying eyes.

"Baby, you good?" Dwayne asked Ayra.

Ayra nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Are you good?" Ayra replied, crossing one leg over the other to get more comfortable in her seat.

Dwayne nodded with a smile. "I'm always good with you around," Dwayne told her.

Ayra chuckled but smiled at him. "Same," Ayra said.

"Did I tell you how good you look tonight? You look so damn fine, I could eat you up," Dwayne said, his deep voice suddenly sultry.

"Will you be able to behave yourself tonight, Dwayne?" Ayra asked him as she used one of her legs to reach his leg and ran it along his.

Dwayne smirked. "Of course," He answered quickly.

"Mhmm, let's order something," She said.

Dwayne chuckled. "Order for me," He said.

Ayra smiled as she looked at the menu. A waitress came over and Ayra placed their orders with their drinks before the waitress walked away.

"So, are we really going to this so call family meeting?" She asked him.

"We have to, we can't let them think we're afraid to stand up against for our relationship," He answered.

Ayra let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, but please promise no matter what they say...Do not get up and fight them," She told him.

"I can't promise that. I already should've knocked Jon's head off his shoulder for what he said to you and I won't let them say anything else about you," He said.

She sucked her teeth. She could feel his eyes on her as she blinked away the tears forming in her eyes at the mention of Jonathan. Jonathan was her best friend, her favorite cousin. The moment they met, they instantly became close. She was his shadow growing up and now they were fighting each other over her relationship with Dwayne. She hated fighting with him because he was always there for her.

"Don't cry, baby," He said as he placed a comforting hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry," She said.

"It's okay. I understand how important Jon is to you and that's why I'm going to make sure we make amends so you two can be close again," He said said as his fingertip lingered on her bottom lip.

He leaned over to kiss her. When he pulled away, he wiped on of her fallen tears on her cheek. "I promise you, I'm going to put this family back together," He told her.

"I believe you, but I don't know if my relationship with any of them will ever be the same," She told him.

"It won't," He said, bluntly.

"I know, i just have to mentally prepare myself for this new dynamic," She said, sadly.

"Yeah, but you still have your girls," He said.

Ayra nodded. Dwayne was right she still had Trinity, Jade, Texie, and Taliyah. They were the only ones still talking to her outside of their crew who refused to talk to Ayra until she breaks up with Dwayne. The sisterhood was still strong enough that the guys couldn't get them to stop talking to her. She was happy about that. She probably would have been devastated to lose those four ladies in this situation.

"Yeah, I do," She said.

Almost an hour later, with their stomachs filled. Ayra scooted over to Dwayne in the booth, before circling her arms around his waist, hugging him. She buried her face in his chest. It was like all her worries melted away as he held her in his arms and planted a kiss on top of her head.

"I love you," He said.

"I love you too," She hummed against him.

After leaving the restaurant, they headed home where he prepared a romantic bath for them. "Okay, you can come in now," He called out to her.

Ayra walked into the bathroom. She spotted flower petals floating on the steaming bathwater. She also noticed a few burning candles lining the tub's edge, filling the room with a lavender aroma. There was even music playing.

"Dee," She breathed, genuinely flattered at him doing all of this for her.

She could tell he was trying to take her mind off of everything and that's why she loved him. He was so caring in a way that she didn't even know was possible.

"Let me undress you," He told her.

Dwayne slowly undressed her. Then helped her into their large jetted tub. Once Ayra was comfortably in the water. She noticed that Dwayne was still dressed.

Ayra looked at him with a frown. "Are you not joining me?" She asked him.

"Tonight is all about you," He answered as he walked over with her Neutrogena Night Calming Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes.

He sat on the edge of the tube, gently removing her makeup. She wanted to cry. How could her family not see how much this man loves her? How could they not want her to be happy with someone who treats her like a queen? This is what she deserves to have in her life and she was going to fight for it.

As she soaked in the hot tub, he gave her a massage. She felt very relaxed then he finally joined her. "About time," She said.

"I had to pamper you a little bit," He said with a chuckle.

"Well then, it's my turn to pamper you," She said softly as she went over to him and let her hands explore his body, the water swashing as she massaged his chest, before her hands began traveling down his body.

He buried his face in her hair, moaning as she jacked him off while he grinded a little in her hands. She bent face-down in the water and gave him an underwater blow job. Taking the whole length of him into the back of her throat. Sucking him deeper and she wrapped her arms around his thighs.

He moaned over and over, gripping the edge of the bath. Six minutes later, he pulled her up. Panting, grinning, eyes streaming and hair hanging limply in her face.

"What was that?" He asked her.

"I read it in a book and I wanted to try it," She answered, smirking.

"What kind of books are you reading? Because I may need to buy you more if you're learning something like this from them," He said, licking his lips.

Ayra giggled. "You wanna try something else I learned?" She asked him.

"Yes, ma'am," He answered.

𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 (𝐅𝐘𝐒)Where stories live. Discover now