Thirty Minutes In Heaven While Blindfolded - Jeremiah Fisher

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{This is my FIRST EVER writing about TSITP. Please don't judge me.

WARNING: This chapter contains a detailed make-out session. There will be a small mention of alcohol, sex, and smoking. There will be a small panic attack scene towards the end.

If you are uncomfortable with any of the following, please either click off this book or read a different chapter. I love y'all and don't want to be the cause of any harm whatsoever because you read something that you shouldn't be reading. Please be careful, and enjoy.}

This is mainly a fluffy but spicy chapter!

30 Minutes In Heaven While Blindfolded
Jeremiah Fisher x Female Reader


  It was another stupid party in Cousins. Some dude Jeremiah had easily befriended from his work invited us to his stupid frat party. Everyone was either drinking, smoking, vaping, making out, dancing, talking, or just being plain stupid.

  Being Jeremiah's best friend and being introverted, my mother forced me to go with Jeremiah to the place. Two seconds in I lost the social butterfly, so I just walked into the living room to sit on the couch, curl up in a ball, and pray that I could just disappear. I despise parties and my mom knows that. "But, you have to be more social," she'd say.

  I rolled my eyes at the stupid line she always used. I had a friend group! Were Jeremiah, Conrad, Belly, Steven, Taylor, and Shayla not enough?! They and some close relatives were all I needed! Why do I need to make more friends when I already have enough? Like, it took a long time for them to gain my trust! All six of them! That's right, SIX! Jesus, Mom, that's more friends you have!

  Snapping me from my internal argument that would probably earn me a slap in the mouth from my mother if I even thought to talk to her like that, the room suddenly filled with the partygoers and the host, who had his arm slung around Jeremiah's shoulder. "Alright, everybody! I think we should spice it up with a bit of Advanced Seven Minutes In Heaven!" The host called, making the room cheer and whistle as I just rolled my eyes again.


  Now I'll be surrounded by horny teenagers.

  Love that for me.

  Jeremiah must have saw me, because he was sitting next to me in seconds, his arm around my shoulder, "Hey! You having fun?" He chirped, his body almost shaking with energy. I shook my head, "What do you think?" I asked rhetorically, turning to look him in the eye with a resting bitch face. He gave me his adorable smile and quietly awed at me, "Oh, c'mon! It's not that bad!" He insisted, making me sigh and just lean into his chest, "I wanna go home," I mumbled into my best friend's shirt. "Awe, I know, but hey, let's at least stay for a couple of rounds of the game. I wanna see if anyone who gets paired with whom! Then maybe after two or three rounds, we can go walk on the beach," He said, making me look at him unamused, "Fine," I grumbled, never being able to tell the cute idiot "No".

  I mean, no one can, not if they physically want to, anyway. Jeremiah is literally a fucking golden retriever puppy in human form. You cannot change my mind because you know I'm right.

  The game started, the first round being some chick who looked like the human form of the word "Horny" and a guy who looked like the human form of the word of "Player". I rolled my eyes at the cliche dynamic, but just shrugged it off as a stupid coincidence. They had two bags each, one holding paper slips, the other with... Materials. They got a paper slip that read "One Hour", and got a pair of handcuffs. Great.

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