School Bathroom - Jeremiah Fisher

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I ran a hand through my hair as I sat down in my second period class, Senior English. My body was extremely tired from having little to no sleep from the night before, so let's just say I wasn't in the best mood.

"Yo! Morning!"

The familiar voice made me look up to see my charismatic boyfriend dapping up some of his friends and making his way towards his seat next to me. "Morning, Y/n!" He chirped, kissing my cheek as he sat down beside me. I gave him a tired smile and whispered a soft "Hey," in response.

Jeremiah set his bag on the ground before turning in his seat so he could face his body towards me, "Why so grumpy?" He pouted childishly, making me giggle at his cute antics and shake my head affectionately while turning to face him. "Just really tired, Jere," I said softly, making him nod his head and take my hands. "Wanna get some coffee after class, sleepyhead?" He asked, making me smile and nod my head.

At the sight of my smile, Jeremiah chuckled softly before leaning forwards and kissing my forehead. I blushed slightly and giggled, leaning into it.

"Get a room, lovebirds," Troy chuckled from the table behind us, Chad snickering from beside him. "We literally tell you that whenever you're with Gabriella," I pointed out with a giggle. "Yeah, well, Gabriella isn't here yet," Troy countered with a grin.

And almost as if on cue, Gabriella walked in through the door and walked up. "Hey guys," She said softly, giving us a welcoming smile. "Hey," We all chorused, smiling back at her. "Troy's being a simp," I teased, making said boy pretend to be shocked. "I am not!" He argued, making Gabriella giggle.

Before our conversation could continue, the teacher walked in, "Alright, I need everyone in your seats," She said, walking straight to her desk. Gabriella smiled sweetly and walked off to her desk next to Chad's girlfriend, Taylor. Jeremiah both shifted to face forward towards the board, ready to listen to the teacher.

In the middle of class, I felt a hand start to caress my thigh, making me glance down to see Jeremiah's hand pinching towards my crotch. My body shivered as the simple touch sent me to our first time together, which was about a month ago.

Ever since our first time, Jeremiah has been way more affectionate and touchy. The intimate session between us made us closer than ever. And just the memory made me feel the heat build in my lower region, my thighs squeezing in instinct, squishing Jeremiah's fingers between them.

Jeremiah leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Babe, I'm really horny," He groaned, instantly making my panties dampen, "Can we have a quickie right after class? We're allowed to be late to study hall... Please?" He practically begged.

Biting my lip, I nodded my head, trying to keep it discreet. "Thanks, baby, it's really painful... I need you," He practically moaned into my ear, making me whine very quietly.

"Jeremiah, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"


Both of us instantly tensed and looked at the teacher who eyed us suspiciously, hands on her hips. "Uhm, I was asking her for help," He cleared his throat, continuing to lie smoothly, "I didn't want to disrupt your lecture and Y/n's better at English than I am, so I figured asking her if she could help me with something real quick," He said, making the teacher nod her head.

Thank God Jeremiah was such an amazing actor.

"Oh, okay," The teacher glanced between us, "Y/n is one of my top students, so good idea, Jeremiah. Please hurry up, I don't want you two to distract the class," She said. "Okay, yeah. Sorry 'bout that," Jeremiah apologized, earning a hum from the teacher who nodded and continued her lecture.

For the rest of the class, Jeremiah gripped my thigh and couldn't stop fidgeting in his chair. And as soon as the bell rang, the two of us quickly packed up our stuff and bolted into the hallway. My boyfriend grabbed my hand and led me to the boys' bathroom and into one of the stalls.

We dropped our bags and as soon as I was free of my bag, Jeremiah slammed me against the door and kissed me hard. I moaned and kissed back instantly, letting Jeremiah lift me into his arms so my legs were around his waist. "Shh, we gotta be quiet," He whispered as he broke the kiss, sliding down his shorts and boxers, blindly moving backwards, nearly tripping over our bags before sitting on the toilet, me straddling his hips.

I shifted my panties so he could enter me without having to take them off fully. Jeremiah lifted my skirt to see where he could position himself. "We gotta be quiet, baby, okay?" He whispered, stroking his length while lifting me up by my hip. "I wanna have you ride me, okay?" I moaned quietly and nodded, helping him position himself to my entrance.

Jeremiah tossed his head back, biting his lip as I started to slide down his length. A small whimper left his lips and he bucked his hips up in pleasure, making me bottom out. I slapped a hand over my mouth and squeaked into my hand in pleasure. "Shh, fuck, Y/n, shhh you're getting loud," Jeremiah groaned as I rocked my hips on him.

I quickly bounced on his cock, gasping and whimpering into the palm of my hand. Jeremiah let out small, quiet moans as his hands roamed my body.

"Fuck, babe, I'm so close," Jeremiah moaned softly, starting to buck his hips up to meet me half way. I moaned and leaned forward, resting my face in his neck, keeping my hand to my mouth. "It's okay, baby, you got this," He whispered, kissing my temple, holding and gripping my hips tightly.

With a quiet squeal, I came on his cock. Jeremiah whined loudly and pulled me off his cock to sit me on his thighs. He then spread his legs and pointed his cock towards the toilet and came hard into it with a strangled gasp.

Our panting echoed throughout the silent bathroom. We held each other close until we came down from our highs and got dressed and cleaned up before sneaking out of the bathroom. We walked down the hallway hand in hand, our fingers interlocked.

We then pretended like nothing happened for the rest of the day, sending each other winks and cuddling during lunch like usual.


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