Thirty Minutes In Heaven While Blindfolded - Conrad Fisher

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{Full smut and some fluff!

Thirty Minutes In Heaven While Blindfolded - Conrad Fisher x Female Reader

Enjoy, my loves!}


Jeremiah being Jeremiah decided to throw a party at the beach house and that meant I was going to be surrounded by a lot of either drunk, high, horny, stupid, or most likely all the above teens for the next few hours.

Since I was quite a shy person, I was absolutely mortified. Jeremiah said it was going to be a small group of people, but we have two totally different aspects to the words "small group" because, in no time, the house was filled to the fucking brim with random ass strangers.

I was staying with the Fishers for the summer, so I couldn't really hide now. I lost the whole gang in the ocean of people, and my best escape was to the bathroom. Before I could let another person touch me, I bolted for the master shower and slammed the door behind me.

"Needed a place to hide, too?" A familiar voice asked, making me jump and turn to face who it was. Conrad Fischer... He was my crush since... Forever. The boy chuckled at my reflex, making me blush in embarrassment before nodding and sitting with my back to the door. "Jere usually doesn't think about people's anxiety because Belly hypes him up a bit too much," I shrugged quietly, "He's stupid like that," Conrad shrugged before making his way from his seat inside the unused Jacuzzi bathtub to sit next to me.

As soon as he sat down, I leaned my head on his shoulder, "It's not his fault he has the attention span of a four-year-old and the personality of a laughing hyena on crack," I giggled, pulling my knees to my chest. Conrad lets out a snort in response as he leans his head against mine.

We sat in very comfortable silence, leaning against each other while listening as the bass from the speakers Jeremiah bought boomed throughout the house while people chattered and sang loudly together. "Wanna go for a walk on the beach with me?" Conrad asked softly after a short period. "Yeah, I'd like that," I said, pulling back to look at him with a shy smile. The boy returned the grin before standing up and offering me his hand, which I took gratefully.

My heart pounded in my chest as our hands collided, but I ignored it... Or I tried to, the feeling of my cheeks flushing up into a blush didn't help. He pulled me to my feet before letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side. My blush intensified, feeling his hard, muscular physique through his T-shirt. "Stay close, okay?" He said softly, unlocking the door, "Mhm," I nodded, my body instantly leaning into his while wrapping my arms around his torso.

With my hum to signal I wouldn't wander off, Conrad opened the door and led me through the house. My ears were instantly greeted by the loud music and people all around me. The volume was up way too high and I didn't like it one it; I was cringing at the way the music bombed so much I could feel the bass shake through my body. My nose scrunched up in disgust as the smell of sweat, alcohol, pop, weed, cigarette smoke, and mixing colognes abused my sensitivity to smell. It was fucking disgusting.

Not to mention how much Conrad had to push through the crowd and pull me flush against his chest so no one would trample me. I gripped him for dear life as he fought through the crowd.

We made it out of the biggest group of people and started to head toward the door. And just as we were about to be victorious...

"Conrad! Yo! Y/n!"

We both looked over to see the whole gang and some of the others sitting in the living room. "Where are you guys going?" Jeremiah asked, his arm wrapped around Steven, who gave us a look. "We were gonna go walk on the beach," Conrad spoke for the both of us, his grip not leaving me. "Awe why?" Belly pouted, "Yeah, why? You haven't played our game yet!" Taylor asked.

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