It's Your Birthday

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It's my 16th birthday! Whoo!



This man has set his phone calendars for the next ten years just so he gets the notification of it being your birthday, even though he already knows it just like how he knows how to breathe.

As soon as it's about noon on your birthday, he shows up with birthday bags and a huge hug. "Hey!" He'd say excitedly as he held you close. "Happy birthday, Y/n!" He said as he pulled away to kiss your lips sweetly. You let out a giggle and kiss back before pulling away and tugging his arm gently, leading him into your house.

He instantly had you open his presents for you before taking you out to a theme park where a few friends met up with you. He bought you things you liked at the gift shop, hell, he even won you a few prizes!

When the day came to an end, the two of you curled up on your couch and cuddled, completely tuckered out from all the excitement of the day. You pecked his lips, "This was second of the best days of my life. Thank you, Jere," You say. "What was the first best day?" He asked curiously. "Meeting you," You responded easily and truthfully before kissing him again.





Unlike Belly's birthday, Conrad didn't forget it. It was probably because your best friends bugged him about it for about a full week before, Belly being one of them. They forced him to go birthday shopping with them and got you a few of your favorite things that passed the "Y/n Test" as your friends called it.

On your special day, you woke up to your phone vibrating with multiple texts, all of them wishing you happy birthday. You were a bit upset that you hadn't received one from Conrad, but all sadness faded when you saw him in the kitchen, helping your mother/father/guardian make breakfast.

Conrad saw you out of the corner of his eye and looked over at you with his usual closed-mouthed smirk of a smile. He set down the utensils he was using and walked over and pulled you into a loving embrace.

"Happy birthday, baby," Conrad whispered into your ear, kissing your temple. "Thanks," You giggled, nuzzling your face into his chest. When you parted, he leaned down and pecked your lips, "Go sit at the table, your birthday breakfast is almost ready," He said softly before stepping aside, letting your parent/guardian wish you a "Happy birthday" and give you a hug.

Your boyfriend spoiled you so much that day you almost felt sick. He took you out on a date to your favorite restaurant at lunch, bought a few things you picked out at the mall, and you watched the sun begin to set while walking on the beach together.

When it was about 8:30, Conrad took you home, saying he swore to your parent/guardian to bring you home early, but he was allowed to have a movie night with you after you had cake and opened your presents.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when all your friends screamed out a loud "SURPRISE!" As soon as the two of you entered the threshold of the inside of the house. A party with your close-knit friend group and parent(s)/guardian(s) was waiting for you.

And as promised, when the party was over, Conrad helped clean up a bit before joining you on the couch to watch any movie of your choice. As soon as he sat down, you curled up into his side and smiled. "This was the best birthday ever. Thanks, Connie," You mumbled making him smile and kiss your lips sweetly. "No problem. Happy birthday," He said before kissing you once more and starting the movie.


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