He Makes You Moan For The First Time {Preference}

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During a heated make out session, Jeremiah was sitting on the porch with you standing between his legs. The two of you were home alone and some playful banter turned into a kiss that turned into this.

One of his hands moved to squeeze your ass, erupting a moan from you. You broke the kiss, covering your face shyly in your hands. "Hey," Jeremiah whispered, taking your wrists and gently pulling them down to see your face. You saw the boy blushing deeply with a shy grin on his face. "That was hot," He said, making you giggle, "I kinda wanna hear it again, so... Back to it," He said playfully, kissing you, making you laugh against his lips and pull away.

"What? C'mon, Y/n! I'll moan for you if it makes you feel better?" He chuckled before doing a very high pitched anime girl moan, making you burst into laughter and hide your face into his chest. "Okay, all jokes aside, that was hot as fuck and I wanna hear it again," He said softly, cupping your face.

You gave him a timid nod and he connected your lips, and he instantly let out a deep moan against your lips, making you echo him. He smirked against your lips and y'all continued your make out session, moaning into each other's mouths and gripping onto each other tightly.





This was your first ever make out session with Conrad. You didn't wanna mess this up and you were nervous. So you've done together is light pecks on the lips and short two to three second long kisses. If you were lucky, it'd last about five seconds.

But since you two were finally home alone, Conrad decided to put his guard down and have a little lip-lock with you. At first, you tried to pull away, thinking it was just your usual short kisses, but when his lips chased yours, you knew this was gonna get a bit steamy.

So here you are, sat in his lap, straddling his hips, hands in his hair, in a make out in his bedroom, where he is sat at the foot of the bed, his large hands roaming your body.

Out of nowhere, Conrad moved to kiss your neck, and before you could stop yourself when he suckled on your pulse, a small moan left your lips as Conrad sucked on that spot, gripping onto you tightly, so you couldn't move away.

Conrad let out a low moan against your skin, making you echo him and tug at his hair, causing a louder moan to leave his lips and for him to graze his teeth on the spot that drove you wild.


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