You Give Him Head For The First Time - Conrad Fisher

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"Hey Connie?" I asked softly, making my boyfriend look up from his phone and raise a brow. "Yeah?" Conrad asked. "I have a guy question," I say, making him turn off his phone and shift so his body faced me. "Okay?" He asked, stretching out the vowels in the word.

Taking a shaky breath, "Do all guys like blowjobs?" I asked timidly, making his eyes widen and his cheeks to dust pink. "Oh," He mumbled, "Uh," He chuckled nervously. I blushed and looked away, "Nevermind, it's stupid," I rushed, trying to stand and leave our seat on the couch.

A large, gentle, warm hand wrapped around my wrist and softly tugged on it, making me look over at my boyfriend shyly. Conrad was blushing deeply and had a timid look in his eyes. He pulled me down back onto the couch with a gentle pull and moved his hand to interlock his fingers with mine.

"Don't be shy to ask me questions like that. I'm not, like, mad or something, I'm just surprised because that was just totally random," Conrad chuckled, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. I giggled at the realization that it was indeed random. The two of us were just cuddling while he scrolled through his Instagram. "Sorry," I said softly, making him smile and shake his head affectionately. "It's fine," He affirmed me.

Conrad rested our hands on his thigh as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Some guys do, some guys don't. I, personally, have never had one before, so I can't really say. But from what I've heard, it feels pretty good," He said softly, making me nod my head, "Why'd you wanna know?" He asked. I flustered at his question before speaking, "I wanted to know for the future," I admitted, "So I don't disappoint you," I finished softly.

A few beats of silence went between us. "You wanna give me a blowjob?" Conrad asked softly, sounding flattered. "I mean, yeah... I've never given anyone a blowjob before, and I don't wanna make you like... Disappointed or wanna break up with me," I said softly.

"Wanna give me one now?" Conrad asked hesitantly, making me look up at him to see his eyes trained on his shorts, making me follow his gaze to see a small tent formed on his crotch. "You're..." I looked up at him. "The thought of you thinking about pleasuring me is kinda hot," Conrad said softly, giving me a small grin.

Hesitantly, I shifted onto my knees and put my hands on the band of his trousers. Conrad gave me an encouraging nod, lifting his hips to take off his shorts and boxers. I blushed as Conrad had a cock that was at least eleven inches and he was at least an inch or two thick in girth.

I took his dick into my hand, glancing at Conrad before starting to slowly stroke his length. A soft hiss left his lips before his hand started to gently press on my lower back. "Get comfy, babe. We're home alone for the next five hours," He whispered, his hand moving to rub my back.

Obeying his request, I shifted so I laid down on my front, my hips being elevated by a pillow. It wasn't just like I put it there, it was just there and it was pretty comfortable in the position I was in. "There we go," Conrad soothed, letting me wrap an arm around his lower back, squishing it between him and the couch before continuing to stroke his length.

With another shaky breath, I leaned down and started to slowly kitten lick at the tip. Conrad let out a soft gasp at the feeling, making me instantly stop and look over at him. "No, no, keeping going. That felt good," He begged softly, making me blush deeply before continuing the hesitant licks.

Then, after the fifth lick, I wrapped my lips around the crown, carefully suckling on it. Conrad bit his lip, his hand continuing to gently caress my hair. I slowly started to take more and more in. "Christ," My boyfriend groaned, his free hand sliding under my shirt to continue stroking my bare back. His cold hands on my warm skin made me shiver slightly, but not stop.

I moved my tongue underneath his length, earning a low hum. "Feels good," Conrad mumbled, making me ease up slightly. Building up some courage internally, I started to slowly take more and more of him in, until his tip was threatening to breach my throat before moving back up to the crown, and back down.

A small moan left his lips as I started to slowly bob my head on his length. His fingers started tangling in my hair, his dull nails scratching my scalp encouragingly. "God, your mouth," Conrad murmured, "So warm and good."

His small praise made me shiver and start to move my head a bit faster, earning a swear from just under his breath. "Just like that, don't stop," He whined, his hips shifting slightly as if he was trying to keep still. I let out a soft moan around him at the words of encouragement, making him echo me, but slightly louder.

When I made the noise, his back arched and he visibly shivered while his head tipped back in pleasure. "God, fuck yes," He whined lowly, his hand in my hair tensing and starting to ball up slightly.

Conrad dropped his head back down to look at me. "God, you're so pretty, baby," He praised, "'Never met someone so beautiful before, Y/n, fuck," He whispered breathlessly, his hand on my back starting to gently drag his dull nails against my skin.

Letting out a whimper, I took him farther, letting him enter my throat, causing my gag reflex to stutter around him. I fought the reflex the best I could, taking him until my nose brushed up slightly against his pubic hair.

In response to my actions, Conrad let out a moan-like gasp and thrust his hips up, making me take more and gag. My throat contracted around him, making him a panting mess, soft praises and murmurs spewing out of his mouth in what looked like uncontrol.

"Gonna cum," He warned, continuing to fuck up into my mouth.

That sentence alone made me moan around him and move my head as fast as I could, meeting his thrusts halfway. "Shit, fuck! Oh, yes!" Conrad moaned loudly and shamelessly as he thrusts one last time before shoving his seed down my esophagus.

I pulled off coughing slightly, instantly feeling Conrad wrap his arms around me and pull me closer. When I'd finally caught my breath, I saw Conrad laying with his head back into the couch cushion behind him.

My eyes landed on the flaccid dick in his lap before helping him redress and curl up to him more. "That was so good, babe. I'd never leave you even if you sucked it never did this before. I'm so glad to have you, and I don't deserve you. I love you, "Y/n," Conrad murmured, looking at me with a gentle, dazed, and lazy smile.

"I love you, too Connie," I whispered, giving him a similar smile before nuzzling my nose into his chest, making him smile and kiss my head.

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