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Nothing was said for the next thirty minutes. I sat by Kakashi's side the whole time, after all he's the only connection I have left to our world so no matter what happens I can't let him die. Soon the doors opened and Eraserhead came in followed by a very odd individual. He was small, very small but what made him stand out was the fact that he had the appearance of an animal.

"It's nice to meet you Sakura, I'm Principle Nezu." I was a bit taken aback but I'd seen weirder.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Now I know you're likely still in shock after being... Displaced from you're home however I would like to offer my service in helping you start a new life here. This may be a lot to take in but if you truly are from another world then you should really consider this offer." He said smiling a little too much for my comfort.

"I think we can manage on our own. Were not as incapable as you seem to think we are and why would you even bother in the first place." I was slightly pissed but in reality, it might be the better option. With Kakashi out of commission on top of being stuck in a world with no chakra, this could be difficult to manage on my own.

"You seem smart Sakura, I take it that you don't trust people who make such an offer for seemingly no reward right? Well, I'll cut to what I want to get out of this then. I want you to come to my school!" He said in an annoyingly happy tone. I hope everyone in this world isn't so, cheerful. For my sake and Kakashi's

"School? I'm sorry but I graduated academy long ago. I don't have any need for school." I said almost laughing, it was comical, the thought of going back to school.

"Hm well I don't know what your education was like but I can assure you that my school is the best and it would help you assimilate to the world without the pressures of living on your own." He did bring up a valid point. I can tell just by how they speak and by the area around me that this world is far different from ours and it will take time to adjust. Maybe going back to school is the best solution even if it's temporary. Kakashi won't like it but he's not in any shape to be making decisions.

"I'm fine with that but I have my conditions. Firstly, Kakashi and I are never to be separated, I want full transparency about anything that involves either of us and I want as few people to know about our situation as possible." I said. Everything else I would be able to figure out later but it would cause problems if normal people knew there were two people from another world living among them.

"I agree, Now I need to get back to the school but Aizawa here is going to help you fill out some paperwork and personally escort you back to the school. See you again soon!" He said before turning away and leaving with Tsukauchi.

"So Aizawa, you do have a normal name after all!" I said only to receive an annoyed look in response.

"Let's just focus on making your and Kakashi's files first." He said pulling out a clipboard and pen and I just nodded.

"Ok so we already know your names but how old are you exactly?"

"To be honest I don't know, Physically we both appear to be 14-15 which I don't even want to think about because I'm technically 18 and Kakashi should be 32." I said pondering over what would have caused the decrease in physical age. Aizawa looked down at Kakashi and an odd expression overtook him, I guess they would probably be around the same age under normal circumstances.

"Ok... what is your quir- Sorry what powers do you both have?"

"Well that's also a complicated answer, Can you first explain to me how...powers work in this world?" I asked. I was genuinely curious about these quirk things and how they worked.

"Yeah. Essentially Quirks are just abnormalities that appear in a gene known as a quirk gene. About 80% of the population has a quirk gene and can utilize power from it. In a way, quirks are like superpowers that are unique to each person." So unlike chakra, these people have one thing that they can use, that must suck.

"So our powers work a little differently but my power is my strength and I can heal. Kakashi well he has an eye that can do a lot of things and then he can control a small ball of lighting in his hand and can use it to attack." I responded. I tried to give a satisfying answer that wouldn't give away too much.

"So more than one..." He said writing things down.

As he was finishing up writing I decided I wanted some answers as well. "Hey so since we're talking anyway, how did you find us?"

"We found the two of you in near critical condition lying in the middle of a street a few days ago. It seemed like there was an explosion because of the scorch marks all over the roads and surrounding buildings as well as your burnt clothes. Kakashi, well he was the first to wake up and when we tried to take him into interrogation alone, he refused so we then tried to use force but he blacked out before we had to do anything. He seemed to be protecting you so that's why you were in the interrogation room together when you woke up. We had assumed you were working for or kidnapped by a Villian but that no longer seems to be the case."

"I'm sorry did you say Villian?"

"Yes in this world there are Hero's and villains. The name that detective Tsukauchi called me Eraserhead earlier, It's what's called a hero name and almost every hero has one." He said and I had to keep myself from saying something rude. This world already felt unreal but now it just sounded comical, I mean heroes and villains really? It's probably a good thing Kakashi's still passed out.

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