Brawl In The Bazaar

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A/N: I changed the Mankivak Bandits to Raiders and the Kingdom's name from Soulsburg to Charlesdale

The Bazaar falls into chaos as people run away to save themselves and their belongings from the raiders.A group of cannibals from the Mankivak tribe of the Thankara Empire (Nation In Purple) who will attack anyone outside their tribe and eat them with the addition of stealling thier loot.The four raiders are on horseback minus the bulky one of the group.

(The one most right holds a bow instead of the weapon he is currently holding and the dark skinned one is holding a sword)

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(The one most right holds a bow instead of the weapon he is currently holding and the dark skinned one is holding a sword)

The Panzer crew are hiding at the corner of a building obeserving the chaos.The raiders are 450 meters in front of them.

(Keep in mind that not all of them brought their primary weapons.Only Klaus and Fritz brought their Kar98k and Karl with the STG 44.Hans only brought the axe with his side arm and Ötto just his side arm)

"This is bad,if they keep this up the Baazar will be nothing more than a ruin of hostory.How did they even passed the gaurds?" Hans said.

"If I may say,there must've been a secret enterance or  a flaw in the cities defences.Or even worse,they've killed the gaurds!" Ötto stated the possibilities.

"But we still need to deafet them!" Klaus stated with a bullet ready in his Kar98 chamber.

"Wait what do you mean we?" Fritz asked.

"Oh come on Fritz,this is clearly why your charisma is level 3." Karl told him.

"Ok fine! Oi Hässlich,come get somebody your own size!" Fritz exclaimed ready with his Kar98k and comes out of hiding.

The bulky raider turned his attention towards him and raised his mace.Fritz was filled with fear but was determined to fight for the sake of his dignity.

"AAAAHHH!" the raider yelled as he charged forwads to his location.

"FÜR DEUTCHLAND!" Fritz screamed towards his attacker.m who was 100 meters away from him.

As the two came close the bulky raider swung his mace trying to hit Fritz who dodged it by jumping to the side.He then let out one shot from his Kar and the bullet hit the leg of the raider causing him to kneel down in pain.Fritz took thus opertunity and stabed him in the head with his bayonet.The body falls limp on the ground.

"See I told you I can do it!"Fritz prouldy says stepping on the deceased body.

"You never said so and watch out behind you!" Karl shouts at him.

"Huh?" Fritz says and he turns around and dodges an arrow wich nearly hits him.

He takes cover behind some fallen crates as he tries to see the archer.

The long haired raider on horseback sends a volley of three arrows into the crates.He sends a wildshot to the attacker and ut misses.He pulls the bolt for another bullet to enter chamber but it's empty.
"Verdamn,I forgot to bring the clips.Fritz du Dumbkopf!" He curses himself.

"Fritz hold your position,I'll try to take out the archer!" Klaus said as he tried to aim his sights but was intercepted by an arrow.

"Schiße,that archer has excellent accuracy!" He gritted as he avoided the shot.

Fritz looked through the side and saw tthe other two raiders who wielded an axe and a sword charged forwards to his location.The only thing in his mind now was having to fight them in CQC when they reach him.

Hans was thinkin of a way to distract the archer.He looked around his surroundings and saw a sack of wheat wich gave him an idea.

The archer focuses on the building the soldiers are using to hide.He has his bow ready to shoot anything that comes out.

Then a blur exits the hiding place and the archer takes his shot,hitting the object and it falls to the ground.But the archer was suprised to see that he actually hit a wheat sack instead of a person.

"Now Karl!" Hans orders.

"Jawohl!" Karl replies as he comes out with his STG 44 and fires multiple shots to the archer and his horse killing both.

The other raiders were shocked to see their archer dead but still continued their way to Fritz who was close in theit sights.Karl shot at their horses causing them to stumble down.

Fritz who saw the situation gathered strength and charged forwards to the two remaining raiders followed by Hans and Klaus.

The swordsman of the raider group was the first to get up after the fall but was to late to draw his weapon as Fritz stabbed him in the guts followed up by Klaus who shot him in the head.

The last raider was now vulnerable to the Panzer Crew who all draw their weapons at him.

"Surrender now,or we will kill you!" Hans ordered.

"I have a request!" The raider said.

The five looked at each other before coming to an agreement.

"Alright,and what may that request be?" Ötto asked.

"A duel to the death between me and your leader! Axe to axe!" the raider replies.

"Fine,I oblige." Hans replies.

The other four only stepped back as the two fighters circled each other.

The raider was the first to attack by running towards Hans and did a side swing to try and hit him.Hans quickly avoided the swing and swinged his axe to the raider who deflected it.

The two axe wielders clashed woth great might almost hitting each other various times.

As another swing from the raider barely hits Han's Adam's Apple.Hans took this opurtunity to kick the raider in the stomach.This move stunned the raider long enough for Hans to finally land a blow to the raider's neck and decapitating his head.

The Bazaar fell silent before it was interupted by the sound of multiple applauses and cheers.The Crew looked and saw the people of Argavia were cheering for them.

"You saved us!"

"Thank you!"

"Have my apples,I'm very thankful of the five of you."

The crowds of people cheered as they gathered around the crew offering them their best items.

"SEIG HEIL!" the crew cheered.

The people were then interupted by the sound of bugles.

"It's the Royal Messanger!" one of the townsfolk told the people who cleared the area.

The Panzer Crew sees a carrige with a man who exited with a few of the gaurds like the ones they saw back at the gate.They began walking to their direction.

"My name is Ranzaba Helki,Royal messenger of His Majesty King Ferdinand Charles III

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"My name is Ranzaba Helki,Royal messenger of His Majesty King Ferdinand Charles III.His Majesty wishes to meet the five of you at his castle immediantly." He tells the crew.

"What?" All of them were surprised to gear this.

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