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Trigger Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️

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Hyunjin's pov (3rd person) :


The eighteen year old sensed some danger around him and he, spontaneously, clutched the zipper of his backpack in order to take out the pepper spray, which he always carried as a precautionary measure and safety tool.

He was walking down the lane that led to his home, at night time, after finishing his grocery shopping for he didn't get time during the day to do likewise.

The night was uncommonly black, with the streetlights dimmer than the usual, and albeit he could see glimpses of light flickering from the distant opened stores, he yet felt everything darker and queer. Perhaps 'twas phantasm or his instincts alarming him of an approaching storm of dread.

Hyunjin released a sigh out of relief once he made it to the bend of the block. Turning left, he was sure that even if something happened to him, there would be people who'd hear his cries of help as the path was, much to his comfort, charged with multiple convenience stores that luckily operated for 24 hours.

Although there were several shops in the vicinity of his house, he nonetheless walked farther in order to buy his favourite brand of ramyeon, that contained the least amount of calories among all other alternatives that he had tried. He would go home and fill his stomach, which was empty since morning.

The ferret shoved his palm, that was fisted around the pepper spray, into his hoodie's pocket while the other one held the strap of the bag that descended over his shoulder. Keeping his senses on alert, Hyunjin's pace quickened at the uncanny feeling of someone following him. He didn't dare to turn around and assure himself that his assumptions might be false, because a few moments later, he swore that he heard footsteps creeping behind.

The next instant, at the junction of an alleyway by the main road, Hyunjin let out a yelp in response to a tug at his backpack's band from behind. Faster than he could react even further, he was pulled into that alley and his arms were yanked away, freeing the spray bottle from his grip, that fell on the ground sonorously.

Hyunjin's irregular breathing and racing heart didn't have any affect on the duo, who pushed him further into the wall, making the backpack squeeze betwixt his back and the wall, and secured his hands above his head. The sombre night, that too in a deserted alley, disallowed him to see their faces clearly. They only appeared as silhouettes to him, who were too close to him for his liking.

"L-let me g-go.." He muttered, quite scared. The man holding his wrists leaned near his ear and spoke in a relatively hushed tone, making goosebumps rise all over his skin.

"Not so soon babyboy. First we'll have some fun."

He gulped and began to sweat heavily. The man withdrew and Hyunjin's fruitless attempts to duck out his seized wrists made them chuckle.

The other man, who was standing besides, walked towards him with a visible smug face and Hyunjin shuddered at the contact of the man's cold fingertip against his skin. The latter glided down his index finger from Hyunjin's temple, slowly yet firmly tracing the side of his face and laterally slithering over his delicate neck, continuing downwards over his torso, while pressing his one nipple on the way and making him hiss, it finally landed by his waist, where the finger prodded into the flesh with force before it twisted and the entire palm rested on the curve, giving it a stern squeeze in the end, which had Hyunjin squirm in disgust.

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