the plan

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"I just don't understand why he broke up with me" I complain laying in the passenger seat. Lando scoffs, "He didn't even tell you?" He asks. I groan and bury my head in my hands. "Or he did and you don't want to say it?" He asks raising his eyebrows at me. "Eyes on the road Norris. And anyway, it's too awful" I say slurring my words. "I'm not the one intoxicated" he says chuckling. "Common, Tell me. I'm your best friend you can trust me" he says looking back to the road. "Ugh fine. But you laugh and you're dead" I say leaning over to him. He briefly looks to me and then chuckles, "Go on" he says nodding slowly.

"Jake said that I was frigid because I would do anything sexual with him, but he failed to remember I'm a virgin and I'm not gonna rush into something so quickly. Maybe I should, just go to someone and loose it and then move on" I say playing with my hair. Lando slams the breaks on and turns to me, "Woah Brian O'Connor relax" I say holding onto the door. "Sorry I just.. you're a virgin?" He asks me scanning my eyes. "This is what I mean, I'm just gonna go loose it to someone else and then move on with my life" I say giggling. "No you're not." Lando says holding my gaze. I tilt my head and squint my eyebrow at him slightly confused, "What?" I ask. He bows his head and sighs, "You want someone to teach you?" He asks me. I nod and shrug slowly. "Just let me. Ok? Let me teach you things. You're comfortable with me, so just yeah" he says looking up to me slowly. Did Lando just offer? What in the world is going on? "You would want that?" I ask him scanning his eyes.

"If it will stop you from running around trying to throw yourself at someone. Then yes. I want you to do stuff with someone you feel safe with." Lando says nodding to me. "If you're comfortable with that obviously" he quickly adds. "I um. Yeah no I am" I say smiling at him. He smiles softly and then starts driving again. I don't know if it's because I am drunk but this could be interesting.


My head is killing me. I groan and roll over to be met with Lando's presence. I scream and he startles awake. "What the fuck are you doing Bell?" He asks me rubbing his forehead. "Why the fuck am i, in your bed!" I squeal. He chuckles, "You don't remember last night, do you?" He says sighing. Why does he look sad by that? Wait last night. Lando picked me up. And we were talking. About. OH FUCK. My heart drops. "I told you didn't I?" I say burying my head in my hands. He chuckles, "Mhm" he says leaning against the pillow. "Do you regret telling me?" He asks softly. I scan his eyes and shake my head, "No. No of course not" I say quickly. "And you still want me to teach you things?" He whispers staring to my lips. What was that. That was really attractive from him. Oh god. I should have known this would be a bad idea last night. I'm not falling for my best friend. It's not happening.

"Yeah" I say slowly. He smiles and puts his hand on my cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb. "Is this going to ruin our friendship?" I panic ask him. He smiles and chuckles softly, "No darling. We'll have a safe word. And if you're feeling uncomfortable at any time you use it, and we will stop. Ok?" He says stroking my cheek. Did he just call me darling? What is going on. I nod slowly and bite my lip. "Come here" he utters sliding his arms round my waist and pulling me so close I can feel his breath on my lips. "Lesson one?" He asks softly. I nod. I'm so nervous. We've never been this close before. His eyes are so blue. Well a turquoise colour. I've never noticed the little golden specks before. And whatever aftershave he put on last night, it's still slightly lingering and it's so nice. He leans in to me and brushes his lips on mine. I close my eyes, relishing the feeling.

He starts to push his lips onto mine gently. I move my mouth with his until there's slight room for his tongue to enter. He takes this opportunity and slides his tongue down my throat which makes me let out a soft little moan. I pull away nervous, "Oh my god" I say embrassed, my cheeks turning rosy. He chuckles, "That was a moan, Mabel. A very pretty one at that" he says smiling. I blush and he takes my lips on his quickly, making me feel the same way as before. Another soft moan escapes my lips, and he gently pulls me closer to him. Why does it feel so good to kiss him. His hand gently lowers to my ass and he squeezes it softly making me elicit another soft moan. He goes back to kissing me, harder now and then squeezes my ass tight which allows another moan to escape my lips. "Mabel you're making the most beautiful sounds" he says pulling away and scanning my eyes. I blush uncontrollably.

He notices and smirks. "I think we're done with this lesson" he says pulling away and sitting up in bed. "We are?" I ask copying him. "Patience bells" he says huskily. I try to fan down my blush and he looks over, "You alright?" He asks casually. I shake my head, "This fucking blush won't go down" i say groaning. Lando laughs. "What?" I ask him. "You're flustered" he says smiling. "Flustered?" I ask confused. "Turned on." He says smirking. "By you!?" I ask. He chuckles, "I guess so" he says. I get up and run to the bathroom. "Omg that's so embarassing" i say shutting the door behind me. I hear movement and then a knock, "Mabel. It's not embarassing. It's just what your body is craving. Don't be embrassed come on" he says leaning against the closed door. I sigh and unlock the door. "Gimme a hug" he says slipping his arms round my waist and pulling me into him. That's new as well. "Don't be embarrassed darling, if it helps I've got a hard on" he says shrugging. I bite my lip trying not to giggle. "See it's funny isn't it. It's just sex. We'll work this out together" he says hugging me. I nod and snuggle into him.

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