racing hearts

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I was supposed to see Lando 3 days ago before he had to fly out for qualifying but I was so busy all day with work that I couldn't see him. He's not really replied to my messages since I cancelled on him so I thought id surprise him by coming to the race, even though I hate flying. Obviously I'm going for my brother as well but I didn't mean to upset Lando by cancelling so I need to make sure we're ok.

"LOOK TO THE LEFT!" Charles calls down the phone. I look and see him stood with a sign, saying "For my sister". Bless him. That looks so random to other people, he's never been amazing with his English but it was a sweet idea of his. "CHARLES!" I shout running towards him. "Do you like the sign? Charlotte helped me make it" he says smiling. I giggle to myself and nod, "It's very sweet of you Charles. Hey Charlotte!" I say hugging her. "Hey! You look a bit green. Bad flight?" She asks concerned. I nod, "I hate flying and this one was definetely bumpy. But there we are" I say shrugging. "I've bought you a packet of crisps, that usually helps?" Charles says handing me it. "Thanks" I say smiling at him. We walk out of the airport and to the car. "Charles are you gonna be late?" I ask him. He shakes his head, "No we'll be there in 15 minutes so it's fine" he says shrugging. "I'm driving to give him rest before the race anyway" Charlotte says dangling the keys. I nod chuckling, "Fair play" I say. We get in the car and start driving.

Charlottes honestly been my older sister since they started dating. She's so sweet and caring bless her. I'm still nervous to see Lando though. "Have you spoken to Lando much?" I ask casually. Charles turns around to me, "He seems a bit grumpy the past couple days" Charles says shrugging. I nod looking down slightly. "Which I'm assuming is nothing to do with you?" Charles says raising his eyebrow. "What? No." I lie. It definitely is because of Thursday. "Mhm. You two have been closer recently though?" Charles says. "Not really" I lie again. I can see Charlotte smiling. She knows what's up. I'm definitely going to get questioned later. "Although I need to speak to him about something so I'll just meet you guys at the Ferrari garage" I say quickly. Charles frowns, "Fine." He says bluntly.

It doesn't take us too long to get there as promised. I say goodbye to the two of them and then head towards the McLaren garage. He's got 4 hours until the race so he must be there somewhere. "Mabel! To what do we owe this pleasure?" Zak Brown asks me smiling. "Is Lando about. I need to talk to him" I say grinning. "He's in the motorhome" he says patting me on the back. "Perfect." I say beaming and walking off. Everyone in the garage does look confused as to what I'm doing here. Oh well. I skip through to the motorhome and swing open the door. Lando turns his head quickly and then his face lights up when he sees me. "No way" he says grinning. "Believe it!" I say running towards him and wrapping my arms round his neck. "You're happy to see me" Lando whispers. "Always!" I say beaming. He gently kisses my cheek, which has become normal for us the past couple weeks.

"Are you annoyed with me about Thursday?" I ask pulling away. Lando shrugs, "Not necessarily annoyed. I was just upset" Lando says walking over to the sofa and sitting down. I follow him and sit next to him. "I knew you were that's why I wanted to surprise you this weekend" I say looking to him. He smiles, "Aren't you afraid of flying?" He asks scooting closer to me. I nod, "It wasn't the most pleasant experience" I say chuckling. "And you did it for me?" He says his eyes lightening up. I can't tell him that. "Yes and my brother of course" I say. Lando nods, "I'm happy you're here" he says staring into my eyes. "How about another lesson" I say grinning. Lando laughs, "Mhm and what would that be?" He says smirking. I get up and sit on his lap, taking him a back a bit. "Hello" he says softly. I smile, "Hey" I say nervously. I feel something on my ass. Is that his. Has he got a boner? "Does it not hurt?" I ask moving about a bit. "Not particularly" he says laughing. "Although if you keep moving about you can help me get rid of it" he whispers sensually. "Why don't I?" I say boldly. Lando furrows his eyebrows, "You'd want to?" He asks.

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