way too good at goodbyes

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It's been an hour since i saw Lando and was dragged here. Whatever Charles is doing. Is ridiculous. I hear the lock on the door unlock, and immediately stand up. Charles walks through.

"What have you done killed him" I say scoffing and sitting back down. Charles sighs and walks over to me. "Whatever you're proposing i don't care." I say bluntly. "Drop the attitude Mabel." Charles says folding his arms. "Just how about this. Fuck off." i say scoffing at him. "Carlos was right. Your behaviour is disgusting" Charles says shaking his head at me. "Oh fuck off with this. Just because i'm not pleased with you. You sit blaming Lando" I say shaking my head at him. "Mark my words Mabel. You're not dating Lando. Whatever has happened. It's over now" Charles says looking at me. I stand up and face him, "What have you done?" I ask. "I haven't done anything. Lando was screaming and shouting at me. I left him shortly after i took you away. And then i went on a walk to calm down" Charles says.

"So why would you think i'd ever listen to you about not dating Lando?" I ask. "Because i think you know. As well as i do. That. If you do date him. You're never gonna have a brother again." Charles says. "So what? You're saying that if i date Lando. I'll lose you?" I ask. Charles nods. "Just because you won't speak to me doesn't mean Arthur won't." I say glaring at him. "So you wouldn't care if i didn't speak to you again?" Charles asks.

"I love Lando" i say softly. "So you love him more than your brother?" Charles asks. I can see his eyes start to well with tears. "No Charles i didn't say that" I say getting up and walking towards him. "You do don't you. You love Lando more" Charles says a tear streaming from his eye. I shake my head at him, "Charles that's not true" I say my eyes starting to well with tears as well. He looks to me, so sad. It's hurting me. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him close. "I'm sorry Charles" i say softly. He hugs me back. "It's okay Mabel. I just. I want you to be happy. And i know Lando won't give that to you" Charles says slowly. I sigh. "I really think he will Charles" I say. Charles pulls away and looks to me, "Do you trust me Mabel?" He asks. I go to speak but just nod slowly. "Then i promise you. Not now. Not Lando. But when the time is right with someone else. You will thank me in the future. I promise." Charles says scanning my eyes.

I just nod. I can't risk losing my brother over mine and lando's relationship. It's too much for me to deal with. "Then you promise you won't see him again?" charles asks. I sigh and nod. "I promise" I say feeling all the waves of sadness flood over me. Charles hugs me again and then pulls away, "Im going to see Carlos. He's pretty upset" He says nodding to me. I nod and slump on the sofa. Could today of gone any worse if it tried.



I peer out the door and see Charles is leaving. That must mean Mabel's alone in there. I wander over to the door and knock on it frantically whispering for her. No one's answering. I knock again harder. What has he done to her? After a while the door opens and Mabel's stood. She looks like she's been crying. "Baby" i say wrapping her in my arms. "I'm so sorry he did that to you" I say softly. She doesn't reply.

"Bella?" i say scanning her eyes. She gently pushes me off her. "Bell what are you doing?" i ask confused. "We can't be together Lando" she says not meeting my eye. "Darling. Don't do this to me. What did we just talk about. What did Charles say? He said something? I know he did. He's got in your head. Whatever he said. It's not true. I promise" I say holding her hips closer to me. "Lando please get off me." she says turning her head from me. I ignore her and pull her closer to me, "Bells. Talk to me." I say moving her chin to meet my face.

"He said. Um. He asked me to choose." Mabel says facing away from me again. "Between who?" I ask getting more angry. "Between you and him." she says numbly. She doesn't look herself right now. "He can't do that Bella. What did he say hm? That if your mine. He won't speak to you again. He's trying to control you. To manipulate you. But it's ridiculous. And it's not fucking happening" i say holding her to me more possessively. "I'm not losing my brother over this Lando" she says tears swelling down her face.

"Stop blocking out your feelings right now because he told you to" I say getting more angry. "Lando i have to. I don't have a choice." she says more tears rolling down her cheeks. I reach up and gently wipe them away, "Tell me what to can do to take your pain away" I say desperately. "Let me go" Mabel says softly. "I can't" I say shaking my head at her. "Please Lando. It will make it less painful for me to endure if you just let me go." She says. I drop her hips and take a step back. "No no. You love me Mabel. Look at me. You love me yeah?" I say scanning her eyes. She drops her head and reaches behind her neck. "Mabel" I say a tear leaving my eye. She unhooks the necklace and walks towards me. "I'm really sorry Lando. I really thought we were forever" she says putting a hand to my cheek. I lean into her hand and hold it in mine. "Maybe in the future. We can be together" I suggest another tear flowing from my eye. "Yeah" she says in fits of tears now.

I pull her into me and cuddle her close, resting my head on hers. I know this is what needs to happen. But fucking hell it's so painful. I want her. All of her. And now i can't even have a tiny bit of her. After a while, I pull away and kiss her cheek. "Goodbye Lando" she says through tears. "Goodbye Bells" I say trying to be strong for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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