birthday bash

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I'm at the gym at the moment with Carlos. It's normal for us to go together and Charles has never found it weird. "I'm gonna head over to do weights. Are you gonna be at the treadmill?" Carlos asks picking his water bottle up. I nod, slightly out of breath. "Yep!" I say grinning. "Alright I'll come over in a bit then" Carlos says staring to me. He's so gorgeous. I've had a crush on him for honestly the longest time.

He walks off and I pick up my phone to see 3 missed calls. Lando? We haven't spoken much since Tuesday when we did stuff, I assume it's probably about Charles' party tonight. I ring him back, "You ok?" I ask starting at a slow pace on the treadmill. "Where are you?" He asks me. "I'm the gym with Carlos? Why?" I say confused. "Be there in 5" he says before ending the call. That was weird. I shrug it off and start running on the treadmill. I see Carlos posted a photo from earlier which I like on his story.

Bless him

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Bless him. "Mabel" I hear a voice call behind me. I stop the treadmill and turn around trying to catch my breath, "Lando?" I say confused.  "I mean I told you I was coming. But that's not the point I need to talk to you" he says coming closer to me. I hop off the treadmill and walk towards him, "What's wrong?" I ask confused. "Did you tell anyone about what we've been doing?" He whispers to me. I shake my head, "'No of course not" I say. "I've just had an email from Zak saying that I'm too close to you and it's not good for my reputation" he says getting annoyed. "Ok well that's not my fault. We're friends Lando" I say walking past him. Carlos comes over, "Hello my muppet friend" he says ruffling Lando's hair. "Yeah hi mate. I need to talk to Mabel" he says sternly. "My bad I'll go back to the weights" he says walking off.

"Lando seriously? I've not said anything. I don't know why Zak's said that to you. Maybe lunch. The waiter could have seen your hand on my thigh. Or paparazzi could have seen me walking inside your apartment. I don't know" I say shrugging.  "Oh. Yeah. Your um. Yeah you're right" he says shaking his head. "Come here" I say rolling my eyes and reaching for him. He swoops me up in a hug, "I'm sorry for being panicky" he whispers. "It's ok Lands. It's a weird situation that we're dealing with and new for both of us" I remind him. He nods and cuddles me closer. "Do you always come gym with Carlos?" He asks me. I pull away and stare to him, "Yeah? You know that" I say giggling. He rolls his eyes, "Come with me instead?" He asks. "I mean sure you've never wanted to go with me before though" I say confused. "Now I do." He says. He kisses my cheek and then walks out. That was a weird exchange.

Carlos comes over, "You and Lando seem a bit close" he says nudging me. "Oh shhh. We're just friends Carlos" I remind him. He nods. "You sure he knows that?" He asks me. What does he mean by that? I push him playfully and he chuckles, "Cmon then. Let's do some weights" I say walking off with him.


I'm having a panic of what to wear. I've tried 4 dresses on. But none of them are really. Good. Fuck sake. I don't know who to call right now. To help me pick an outfit. I don't even think too much of it as I dial Lando's number. "You alright?" He asks. I can hear he's walking. This must be a bad time. "I'm having a fashion emergency and Penelope's not in town for the weekend. So I don't know who to call. Can you come over?" I ask him. I hear a chuckle on the other line, "Funny enough. I saw something in Bendalls that reminded me of you. I'm outside Bells" he says softly. I walk to the door and open it. And like promised he's stood with a dress in hand. Wow. It's beautiful. "Omg! Thank you" I say wrapping my arms round his neck.

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