is it what i want

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Lando's POV:

I'm so fucking stupid. Why did i just do that. I get into bed and roll over on my side scrolling through Tik Tok. I hear a knock at the door. "Can i come in?" Mabel asks. I sigh, "Yeah" i say bluntly, returning my attention to my phone.

"Lando" Mabel says leaning against the doorway. I don't reply. "Lando please just look at me" she says. I sit up in bed and turn to look at her. "Do you really love me or were you just saying it?" she asks looking to the floor. This may be my one shot. Admittedly it's not how i wanted it to happen. But. Here we go i guess. I get out of bed and walk towards her. She watches me. Neither of us say a word until i'm in front of her. "Mabel Leclerc. I love you" I say scanning her eyes. I can see her heart is racing. "Bells i've loved you for a while if im honest. I didn't want to just teach you things. I wanted to be your first everything. When you told me you were a virgin. I just. I wanted to make every experience special for you. Not just because i'm your best friend. But because i'm in love with you" I say staring into her eyes. I wait for her to say something. But she doesn't. "Oh" is all she can manage.

I sigh and walk back toward the bed. "Wait" she says. I turn to face her, "I was hoping for a different answer if i'm honest" I say looking to the floor. "Lando. I love you too" she says softly. I stare to her quickly. "I wanted my first to be with you. Since i was 11 you've been the only man for me" she finally says. I feel a smile plastering across my face.

I walk quickly towards her and kiss her softly at first. She moans softly into my mouth and i run my hands up her sides pulling her closer to me. She leans into me snogging me harder now. I push my tongue into her mouth and start to suck on her tongue. She moans more hungry into my mouth. We honestly make out for a while. I'm so happy right now. Nothing can stop the way i'm feeling.

After a while, I pull away and i can see a blush plastered across her face. "Blushing are we?" i tease slipping my arms round her waist. She nods embarrassed. "Nothing to be embarrassed about darling." I say kissing her cheek. "So what does this mean Lando?" She asks. "For us?" i reply. She nods. "It means that. You're mine" I say smirking at her. She blushes again. "So nervous around me" I whisper to her. She rolls her eyes and hugs into me. I wrap my arms round her now.

"What am i gonna tell my brother" she says giggling. I pick her up and she wraps her legs round my waist. I sit down with her on my lap on the side of the bed. "That your my girlfriend" I say grinning. "If that's you asking me to be your girlfriend. It was very poor" she teases ruffling my hair. I smile and move her to the side of the bed. She looks at me unsure as i rush into the kitchen, finding the necklace i had engraved for her. I've had it a while. I've just been waiting for the right time. I stroll back into the bedroom and drop to my knees in front of her. She tilts her head to me smiling. I pull out the tiffany necklace from my pocket, "Mabel Leclerc. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask holding out the necklace box for her.

She nods and kisses me again. I suck on her bottom lip slightly before pulling away. "What's that?" She asks as i hand it to her. "Open it" I say smirking. She opens it, and i see her look at me quickly. "Lando" she says tears welling in her eyes. "They better be happy tears" i joke. "When did you get this?" She asks me. "Last year" i mumble. "So you've loved me that long hm" she says teasing me. I roll my eyes and nod to her. "Can you put it on for me?" She asks. I nod and stand up taking the necklace in my hand and locking it behind her neck. As i do i plant a little kiss on her collarbone, making her lean her head into my chest. "So do you like it?" i ask. She turns round to face me. Now i can see it properly. It's got, "Lando" in silver letters. "I love it" she says smiling.

"So now, everyone can know who you belong to" i say smirking. "Just like in my favourite movie" she says blushing. "I remembered" I reply grinning. "You're so fucking cute" She says wrapping her arms round my neck. I chuckle and hold her close to me. "So does this mean you're staying with me tonight?" i ask grinning. She nods and cuddles me closer. "I just have to tell Charles" she says sighing. I groan and pull away scanning her eyes, "Ok baby. Go tell him now" I say. She smiles and walks out the hotel room.


I'm nervous for how Charles is going to react. He's been so angry the past day with me and with Lando. I don't want him to get upset, of course i don't, but i want to make sure that i do what's best for me.

I unlock our hotel room and walk inside. Charles stands up and stares to me. "Where have you been?" he asks. I don't come directly in the hotel. Just standing in the doorway. "Um. At Lando's" i reply honestly. "What" Charles says. I see his fists curl into a ball. "Charles.." i say softly. Charles grits his teeth and walks towards me, "Sit down. We need to talk about this now" He says pulling me inside. "Charles let go" i say struggling. He slams the door behind me, "I said sit down" Charles repeats. I scoff and walk to the sofa sitting opposite Charles.

"Explain to me. Now. What possessed you to go into Lando's hotel room?" Charles asks. I don't reply. Charles can see the fact i'm avoiding eye contact and nods slowly scoffing. "Oh i see. I see" Charles says. I don't meet his eye. "So what? Your fucking lando now hm?" Charles asks standing up. "No" i say looking to the floor. "Mabel. Be fucking honest with me. Did you come here to support me. Or are you fucking Lando Norris" Charles says infuriated. "Charles" i say slowly. "I'm gonna fucking kill Norris" Charles says pushing out the hotel room. I stand up and chase him out the hotel room.


I'm hoping Charles doesn't take it too miserably. I walk over to the fridge and grab myself an orange, sitting back down and eating it. As i'm eating i hear my door slam open, I stand up and look to the door. Charles. "Tell me now. Are you FUCKING MY SISTER" Charles shouts at me. I breathe in deeper than before and bite my lip. "YOUR FUCKING DEAD NORRIS" Charles says lunging at me and punching me round the face.

I hear Mabel coming in. "CHARLES GET OFF HIM" she screams. She's crying. "CHARLES YOUR MAKING HER CRY" I shout through punches. I push Charles back and he falls off me.


"PLEASE GET OFF HIM" i cry. Charles snaps his head to me, "Get out of here now" He shouts. My heart drops. Charles never shouts at me. "I said get out of here! NOW!" Charles repeats. Carlos appears at the doorway. "What the fuck is he doing here" Lando says wiping the blood of his mouth. "I asked him to" Charles says. "Carlos takes Mabel home." Charles adds standing back up. I look to Lando and he looks pissed. "He's not fucking going anywhere with Bells" Lando says clenching his fists. Carlos goes to grab me but i run to Lando and in his arms.

Lando holds me to him and ensures no one can get to me. "LEAVE MY HOTEL ROOM NOW" Lando shouts at Carlos and Charles. Charles scoffs and i can see Carlos smirking. "I mean it Charles. Get out of here" Lando says scowling to them. I hug into him to feel more safe. Lando gently kisses my head. "GET OFF HER" Charles shouts coming towards us and pulling me from Lando's grasp. "Carlos takes her home." Charles says. Lando tries to get to me but Charles pushes him back.

I feel arms around me as Carlos picks me up. "GET OFF ME" i shout struggling. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER" Lando shouts. Charles punches him round the face so he falls to the floor. "LANDO" i cry as Carlos drags me from the room. Lando looks to me, he mouths, 'Stay strong' as i'm being forcefully taken out by Carlos.  I cry as Carlos drags me down to Charles and mine hotel room. "Get off me" i say struggling. Once we're back inside, Carlos puts me down.

"What the fuck" I say pushing him. Carlos sighs. "Will you just calm down" he says shaking his head at me. "I don't need a fucking babysitter. i want to go back to Lando" I say frustrated. Carlos ignores me and sits down on the sofa. "Give me the fucking hotel key" I shout. Carlos just ignores me again and turns on the TV. I walk round in front of him, "No. Charles has asked me to keep you here." Carlos says blanking me. "Carlos that's not fucking fair" I say fuming. "Mabes. Your just being dramatic. You and Lando won't last. Best to let it go now" Carlos says shrugging. I scoff at him, "Just because you have a crush on me." I say. Carlos stands up, and scans my eyes, "What is wrong with you?" he says.

I feel kind of bad now. "Carlos i'm sorry" i say. He just shakes his head at me, "This is what Lando's turning you into." he says before walking out the hotel room and locking the door behind him. Fuck sake. Now i've upset Carlos. It's not Lando's fault i don't know why everyone keeps saying that. I groan and sit back down burying my head in my hands. This just seriously isn't what i wanted today.

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