should i let you go?

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I groan and roll over, "Morning princess" a voice whispers in my ear. I startle awake, "Lands? When did we?" I go to ask but he just smiles. "You took me home last night remember? I was really. I mean really drunk" he says smirking. "Oh right" I say. He slips his arms round my waist and pulls me closer to him, I let out a little gasp for his sudden movements. "Lands" I say nervously. He smiles and leans to my lips, "Can I kiss you?" He asks me. "How is this teaching me?" I ask him giggling. "Morning kisses. The most intimate" he says brushing my lips with his. "Mhm" I groan. He kisses me harder and slips his tongue down my throat. I groan softly and push into him more, he pulls away for a second. "Can I touch you?" He asks me.

I bite my lip, "Mhm" I let out nodding. He smiles and trails his hand down to my thong, "Are you rubbing me again?" I ask him sweetly. He chuckles, "Fingering." He says. "Oh. Well. Um. Go ahead" I say nervously. He strokes on my thong making me elicit a little soft moan. "Please keep making those noises for me" Lando groans pulling me closer to him. That was new of him. He slides his hand down my thong and gently pulls it down. "Spread for me" he says kissing me again. I gently spread my legs and Lando slides two fingers across my slit making me elicit a soft moan again. "Lands" I moan in his ear. He groans and plunges a finger into me making me gasp. "Good girl" he says before returning to kissing me. I hold him while he plunges his finger in and out hard. I arch my back into the feeling more moaning. "I'm gonna curl to your G-spot. Let me find it" Lando groans huskily moving his finger about. Until he hits a spot which makes me moan louder. "Is that it baby" he says smirking. I nod frantically. "I'll take care of it now." He whispers in my ear curling on my G-spot.

"Oh fuck Lando" I moan. He groans and adds another finger in. "LANDS!" I squeal arching my back into him. "You're so fucking hot" he whispers in my ear. I know this is just dirty talk but Jesus christ he's driving me insane. "Can you take another one for me?" He asks scanning my eyes. "No Lands. Please" I say frantically. "Cmon baby just one more" he whispers adding a third finger. I throw my head back moaning louder before an orgasm completely takes over my body and I squirt all over Lando's fingers. Once I'm down from my high, he frowns at me. "Omg Lando that was amazing" I say breathlessly. "I don't remember you asking my permission to orgasm" he says kissing my cheek. I giggle, "Asking your permission? Lando cmon" I say rolling my eyes. "Do you want me to keep teaching you things?" He asks me. "I um yeah" I say nervously. "Then next time I want you to beg me to cum, hm?" Lando says sternly. "Fine" I say wrapping my arms round his waist. Why does he want me to beg? That's weird.



I love the feeling of her with me. It's been changing definetely the past few weeks. We've been cuddling for the past half an hour. Although her phone is driving me insane. I reach over and grab it making her reach for it, "Lands give it back" she says giggling. I smile and look down to the phone call, "Why is Carlos ringing you?" I ask her. She shrugs, "Probably to go get lunch together or something" she says going to grasp it from my hand. I let her reach up for it and then plant a kiss on her lips. She pulls back shocked, "Lands I thought we only kissed when we were doing sexual stuff" she says nervously.

I smirk, "I want to kiss you when I feel like it Bells" I say. She blushes. "Rosy cheeks, hm?" I say stroking her cheek. She rolls her eyes and tries to grab the phone again. "Ah ah. Let me answer" I say sliding it to answer. "Hey Mabel's, Fancy lunch in town at 1:30?" Carlos says over the line. I look down the Mabel and she's nodding. I frown at her, "Hey Carlos. Sorry me and Bells have just had breakfast" I say leaning back on the bed. Mabel rolls her eyes and looks up to me. "Oh it's ok. Don't worry about it" Carlos says on the other line. "We won't! See you Carlos" I say before ending the call. "Lando? Way harsh." She says sitting up. "Meh. Not harsh enough" i say sliding my arms round her waist. "Lando." She says glaring at me. "Baby" I reply smiling sweetly.

"What has gotten into you recently?" She says biting her lip. "Nothing." I say bluntly. "Lando. I'm not in the mood for you lying to me this morning" she says getting out of bed. "I'm not lying. Where are you going?" I ask watching her pace the room. "Out." She says turning to face me. "No." I say standing up. "Unfortunately you don't get to pick" she says smiling. "Bold of you to say" I utter walking closer to her. "Hm?" She asks clearly not hearing me. I pin her up against the wall, "I said bold of you to say that I can't pick where you're going" i whisper to her. "Lando." She says scanning my eyes. "Hm." I reply kissing her cheeks. "I feel bad Lando. Me and Carlos always have lunch on a Sunday." She says leaning on her head against the wall.

I sigh and move my hands from her, "Fine. Can I come with you though?" I ask smiling. "I don't think that's the best idea." She says biting her lip. "You are impossible" i say walking off. "Don't be angry Lando" she says walking after me. "I'm not." I lie. She giggles. "What?" I say turning around. "You're jealous aren't you?" She says. "Aha no." I say rolling my eyes. "Okay. Well I'm gonna go get ready then" she says grinning at me and walking off. Ass. How can she be moaning my name one minute and going for lunch with someone else the next? She's aggravating.

I make myself a cup of coffee and stand drinking it. After about half an hour, Mabel walks back in doing a twirl. "Wow." I say breathlessly. She looks breath taking. Oh my god. I can't let her go out like that. Give Carlos the wrong idea or something. Not that I care. Of course. I spin her around making her giggle. "How do I look Lands?" She asks me. That nickname again. "Beautiful" I say scanning her eyes. She blushes and tilts her head slightly, "Really?" She asks. "Mhm. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I say without thinking about what I'm saying. "Lando" she says softly. I just smile at her, "You better get going then?" I say softly. "Yeah I um. Yeah" she says nodding. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask her. She nods and walks out. I don't want to let her go. But I'm just her friend. Just someone she needs to help her with things. I think I need to start accepting that. I'll try keep her in my grasp as long as possible but I'm not going to hold her back from finding love. Even if it is with Carlos.


I've been so bored today. Literally have had nothing to do. I see a notification from Mabel's instagram so I click on it.


liked by @carlossainz, @landonorris, @ferrari, @charlesleclerc and 1

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liked by @carlossainz, @landonorris, @ferrari, @charlesleclerc and 1.2 million others..

can't beat a glass of wine 🍷


@carlossainz prettiest lunch date
-reply @mabelleclerc thank you for lunch :)

@landonorris don't drink too much wine
-reply @mabelleclerc safe to say I'm past that point?

@ferreri 🙌🏻🍷😍
-comment liked by @mabelleclerc-

@charlesleclerc where was my invite!
-reply @mabelleclerc oopsie next time 🤭

I should have gone with her, she looks impossible there. I reckon all the waiters were drooling over her. Hm. We'll see. I need to see her. Can I even wait till tomorrow.

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