Day 12

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Tessa's pov

As the sun started to set, I realized that I had been wandering aimlessly through the woods for hours. The silence was deafening, and the only sounds were my footsteps crunching through the dried leaves on the ground. I began to feel uneasy as the darkness crept in and I was left alone with my thoughts.

Suddenly, my heart began to race as I spotted a pack of coyotes in the distance. I knew that they were dangerous animals and that any sudden movements could be fatal, so I stood there frozen, trying to think of a way out of the situation but nothing came to mind.

I couldn't help but regret my decision to venture into the woods alone. Billy had warned me about the dangers, but I had brushed off his concerns and left anyways. Now, I was faced with the harsh reality of the consequences of my actions.

As I found myself standing in the middle of a dense forest, I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart. The sky was dark and cloudy, and the trees were so thick that barely any light could penetrate through the leaves. Suddenly, I heard a low growl coming from behind me. I slowly turned around and saw a pack of coyotes staring at me with their piercing eyes. They were about 30 feet away, but I could see their sharp teeth and hear their threatening snarls. I froze in fear, not knowing what to do. The only thing I could think of was to back away slowly and make myself look as small as possible. While I was taking baby steps, I stepped on a stick, causing it to crack loudly. The sound echoed through the forest, alerting the coyotes to my presence. "No.. no.." I cried out, but it was too late. The coyotes started running towards me, their eyes fixed on their prey. Panic set in as I realized I had just made a fatal mistake.

I started running as fast as possible, but they were faster than me. Their howls filled the air as they closed in, their eyes fixed on me. I screamed as one of them jumped on me, causing me to hit the ground hard. My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled to fight it off, but it was too strong.

The coyote's teeth and nails pierced me, causing me to scream in agony. A gunshot rang out, scaring the coyotes away. Tears streamed down my face as I lay in pain on the cold ground, feeling my body grow numb. I cried for help, desperate for rescue.

Ricky's pov

At approximately 2 in the morning, I was rudely awakened by loud screaming and gunshots that seemed to be coming from the nearby woods. I immediately jumped out of my tent, feeling a sense of panic and confusion. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was struggling to keep my composure. I looked around and noticed that  Tessa was nowhere to be found, which only added to my growing sense of unease.

I quickly turned to Billy "I thought you were keeping an eye out!" I shouted at him, my voice filled with frustration and fear. We both knew that we needed to act quickly if we wanted to find Tessa before anything bad happened to her.

Without any hesitation, we ran into the dense woods, our flashlights shining brightly in the darkness. "Tessa!" Billy shouted, his voice echoing through the trees. There was no response, only the sound of crickets chirping in the background. It was eerily silent, which only added to the tension in the air.

We continued to search for what felt like an eternity, our hearts racing with every passing moment. We scoured every inch of the woods, looking for any sign of Tessa. But despite our best efforts, we still couldn't find her. The woods were vast and sprawling, and it seemed like Tessa could be anywhere. We were both exhausted and scared, but we knew we couldn't give up until she was found.

I called out her name yet again , but there was no response. Billy started to get worried about her and blamed himself for not following her earlier. We both knew that it was our responsibility to take care of her, but she had insisted on going alone.

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