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Y/n's pov

As I open my eyes I hear a feminine voice that sounds like it's next to me "Dear it's time to wake up." I sit up and rub my eyes as I look at where the voice came from and I see a woman sitting next to me on a bed the she stands up "Y/n get dressed dear me and your father are waiting for you down stairs." She then walks out of the room "Who was that and how did she know my name?" I ask under my breath as I look around the room, I see pictures of myself along with that woman and a man then I see a fire nation symbol on my wall shocked I walk over to the window beside the bed and look out of it, I see fire nation buildings "I-im in the game but how?" Trying to figure that out I notice by looking into a mirror that I'm 6 years old again "Ok I should play along til I figure out how to get back." I get dressed and walk down stairs and sit at the dining table and I begin to eat the food that was waiting for me "Well son are you excited about today?" The man who is my father asks and I look at him confused "What do you mean father?" Then I hear mother giggle "You are forgetful just like your father dear, we are heading to the palace today so you can become friends with prince Zuko." "So I'm around the time when Azula first met Mai and Ty lee." I think to myself as I continue to eat breakfast

After breakfast all three of us start our journey to the palace "Now son I want you on your best behaviour when we reach the palace." I nod "Yes father." Then I feel something touch my hair "Mother what are you doing?" "Your hair is a mess dear." She brushes my hair "Maybe we should cut his hair." I hear father say "Well I think we should let him go it out course I think long hair will make him look cute." Mother tells him "But would having long hair make me look like a girl mother?" "Of course not dear I have pictures of your father with hair long enough to be tied into a ponytail." Then I hear father speaks "You are not showing him those pictures." We all then start to laugh "Anyway dear we will reach the palace soon." I nod "Yes mother." After we reach the palace a maid walks us to the garden and once we reach the garden I see three girls and a boy "There are prince Zuko and Princess Azula with their friends." I then feel mother push me lightly "Go on dear go makes friends while we go to the fire lord and his wife." I nod and walk up to them

"Hello you must be prince Zuko." He looks at me "Yea and who are you?" "Well my name is Y/n." I hear a voice from behind me "Oh so your the son of fathers best friend." I turn around to see Azula Mai and Ty lee "You must be Princess Azula." I do a small bow "These are my friends Mai and Ty Lee." I look at both of them "Is nice to meet you too." I notice Mai has your normal gloomy look as Ty lee has a big smile "It's nice to meet you too and I'm amazed how interesting your aura is." I look at Ty lee confused "You can see my aura?" She nods "Yes though I never really know why I can see a persons aura." Mai walks next to Zuko "It's good to meet you as well." She then drags Zuko off "Do they always do that?" I ask and Ty lee nods "Well while they are off what should we do?" I hear Azula asks and I sit under the tree that's next to the turtle duck pond "What are you doing Y/n?" I look at Azula "It's a nice day Azula why don't you relax with me." I close my eyes as I start to relax I feel something land on my shoulder


I open my eyes and see the sun is setting "Damn did I sleep all day?" I look at my side and I see Azula still asleep then I notice My perants, fire lord Ozai and Azula's mother and I quickly stand up "F-fire lord Ozai is an honor to meet you sir." Azula then stands in front of me "Hey what was that for waking me up in such a way?!" I point behind her and she finally notices our parents "Oh hello father mother." I notice the fire lord looking at me "Azula why was you and Y/n sleeping under the tree?" Azula's mother asks "Well after he sat under the tree he told me it was a good day to just relax then he invited me to sit next to him." I gulp as the fire lords stare gets more intense "Azula did he do anything to you?" Ozai asks then my father puts his hand on his shoulder "Ozai I know you are protective of your daughter but I'm sure my son did nothing to her." I notice he then calms down "Your right F/n, it's getting late you guys should head home." I breathe in relief then Azula hugs my arms "Azula why are you doing that?" She looks at her father "Father can Y/n stay the night?" I look at her in surprise then I hear Ozai speak "Sorry Azula but the answer is no I would like to get to know Y/n myself a bit more." I then feel her grip on my arm tighten "Your father is right Azula even though we are close to his parents we don't know him that well." She then gets Azula to let go of my arm "Thank you miss." She then looks at me then smiles "Call me Ursa young man." She carry's Azula away as my parents take me home "You seem to be close to the young princess dear." I hear my mother say "We are just friends." I then hear father chuckle "That's not what it looked like to us." I look at the ground "Awwwww my son has a blush." I look at mother "It's not like that."

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