Guns blazing

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As I open my eyes I watch the sun peak through my blinds "mhm" I groan throwing my arm over my eyes pulling the covers over me "baby?" My dad says loudly knocking on my door "what?" I groan sitting up tucking my hair behind my ears the door opens and my dad walks through the door

"we're collecting from hilltop today want to join Simon?" My dad asks sitting on the edge of my bed looking at me "I'll stay here for today" I say shrugging "you ok? You never pass up going to hilltop you love their people" my dad says tilting his head worried "just tired" I say smiling "well I'll be around your lady's are in your room waiting" my dad says patting me on the head walking out I was in a large t shirt and my jeans it wasn't comfortable sleeping in them but I didn't have lots of options
I open my door keeping my bow in between my arm and shoulder blade strapping my arrow holder tightly around my back
People knelt down bowing their heads when I walked by unless I said otherwise it was nice to be respected but cruel with the reminder I haven't earned it I make my way to my room I've made my own it was like where my dads wives were except better more stress relieving not causing I open the door and everyone kneels

"oh please" I chuckle gesturing for them to stand up
My dad had apointed people to work for me when I was about 13 and they have all stuck by me "how was your night" mai asks walking up to me with a bowl of mango and grapes they were hard to come by but I couldn't help if it was my favorite

"it was alright I keep having that stupid dream" I say throwing a grape up catching it in my mouth "about your mother?" She asks "yea" I nod looking around people are just lounging around me listening "how was your night?" I ask Kenzie how's spread out across a sofa

"the usual mark wanted to have sex and I was like mark im a bit tired from serving my lord and savior all day can't I rest and he was like-" I cut her off chuckling

"so every night?" I ask looking at Mai who giggles "anyone go on a run anytime and get some new books?" I ask flipping through a book I'd read atleast 20 times still being surprised by the plot twist every damn time "nah you could ask your dad" Lisa says she was making herself coffee

"hey dad I need some books could you get me some book" I say looking at Lisa laughing pausing hearing gunshots "what the hell" I mutter standing up taking my bow off the table throwing my arrows over my shoulder running out of the room with my lady's behind me with knives in their hands they were my friends but they'd die for me but I'd do the same

"I only want negan no one else has to die" I hear as I run down to the truck where a boy had held a gun on many of my people my dad was using someone like a human shield and I held my bow to the boy one pull and I'd kill him

"You are just adorable" my dad says I could tell he was excited my dad had told me about a new group he'd recruited to work for him how they were the ones who wiped out the outposts and how he loved that they could fight unlike hilltop
The boy had to be Carl he had long hair and one eye like my dad had described saying if I had a brother my dad would want him to be like Carl
Thank god he wasn't my brother

"I got a shot" I whisper to Simon who lowers my bow giving me a look saying if you take that shot you'll cause a war and not a pretty one
I put my arrow back and throw my bow around my body only approaching my dad when the boy was on the ground and the gun was far away from him

"what are you going to do?" I ask whisper into his ear "prepare your lady's and your room he'll stay with you while we figure that out" he says smiling at me I nod clicking my tongue gesturing my head to the door and my ladies followed

"dad says prepare the room so hide knives and guns for our safety under couches seats whatever we need easy access" I say putting my bow down tighten my arrow holster "listen be kind but don't let your gaurd down" I say as my ladies gather around me

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