Take your shot

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"Mhm" I groan carls grabbed me hugging me tightly I turn my body to him holding him tightly "Carl?" I whisper feeling my cheeks get hot with realization "hm?" He groans lifting his head his hair was smushed and he was "I can't escape it" I whisper "hm?" Carl repeats getting more alert "no matter what ill always be his daughter I'll always be him" I say sitting up looking at him with terror

"What?" Carl asks still half asleep "I'm going for a walk" I say quickly getting out of bed "Ok" Carl mumbles happy I'm happy laying his head back down I run out of the room running down the stairs I was in a tank top and sweatpants

"morning" Rick says smiling at me "morning" I say quickly grabbing my bow "if your going out be careful savoirs are around and ready" Rick says sipping his coffee "Ok" I say grabbing my boots walking out of the door running to the gates "hell are you going?" Rosita asks as I carefully place my bow on the ground throwing my holster of arrows down sitting on the ground shoving my boots on my feet

"out I need a clear head to fight" I say looking up at her "whatever" Rosita says walking over to the gates waiting for me to get up and grab my bow before she opens the gates
"Be back soon we're heading out" she says "whatever" I mock her tone walking out of the gates hearing them close behind me
I found a car the only way I could stop whatever story I was doomed to
to kill my dad by myself to taking over leading the savoirs down a right path or they wouldn't get one at all
I don't know if Carl would love me after but I had to do what I though was the easiest way
I hid in my room my dad had obviously kept it clean my bed was made and my knife was in my drawer with guns I'd hidden awhile back
"I'll be in her room just a second gotta look for more clues" I hear a voice say I scramble up grabbing my bow hiding next to the door when it opened it would hide me
I see my dad walk in he had shaved his beard he sighed sitting down on my bed I close the door slowly with my foot loading my bow quietly holding it up to him "you move and I shoot" I say closing the door with my foot still pointing my bow at him "Lucille?" My dad stares down at the ground turning his head to me looking at me he looked sad
It was strange seeing him that way sad he seemed alone he was alone he was by himself but really really alone like how I felt "just do it kid you've got a knew family now you'll be happy" I pull on my bow string "I'm not happy" I cry breaking any strength I had left "then why are you doing this sweetie?" He asks "I have to! I have to kill you it's the only way" I say my eyes we're getting blurry I was stupid to let myself go to let me feel what I had to
"You don't" my dad says "then what I just let you live and you kill my friends my boyfriend?" I ask "who's you boyfriend?" My dad asks angrily but interested "nobody" I say quietly remembering what happened to my last one
His name was Jack he was a sweet kid he would have loved Carl and what Alexandria became
My dad found us one night I sent my ladies to their rooms it had been quiet and I wanted to be alone with him not to have sex or do stuff just to be alone. My dad told him to go and that he needed to talk to him and when Jack turned his back my dad took his knife stabbing him in the back twice leaving him to suffer and die "boys are dangerous" he said leaving Jack and me behind the only thing Jack saw last was me
It wasn't me I was angry and crying clutching his back I was covered in his blood after that I locked down I didn't speak unless spoken too if someone was in my way I just had my ladies handle it I became cold it took me awhile to come back I don't even know if I had I was standing in my room ready to kill my dad
"You don't have to do this" my dad says smiling at me "no?" I ask chuckling "No. you kill me you won't make it out of here alive but you can live here you can live" he says holding his hand out to me "I can't live here with you" I say shaking my head "why not?" Why doesn't he understand I wished he would understand "you killed Jack Simon shot me!" I shout and someone knocks on the door "everything ok boss?" The voice asks I pull my string back pointing my arrow at his head "yea sorry" my dad yells back looking at me "pricks group is at hilltop they evacuated everyone should we head there?" The voice asks "No tomorrow" my dad yells back "Ok" the voice yells with footsteps slowly fading "you can live here or you will live here by force I'll kill everyone you care about and keep you in here for good" he says taking out his gun "what are you going to do shoot me?" I ask "yes we have doctors" my dad says calmly cocking his gun pointing at me I sob lowering my bow crying like a little kid I was shaking "just do it" I gasp bowing my head dropping to my knees closing my eyes crying
My mind felt clear "you came here to die?" My dad says I sniffle squeezing my eyes thinking about Carl and Jack Carl was here alive happy with Judith his father he had everything to live for and I had nothing "just do it" I whisper I hear shouting and gunshots but my dad doesn't move and neither do I the door opens and guns cock but my dad still is pointing the gun at me my face felt dry and puffy I felt tired I was tired
"Birdie" Carl says gently shaking me my hands were melted in one another laying on my knees carl shakes me again "it's ok" he whispers "no" I say quietly my voice cracking "yes" he says firmly picking me up by my arm pits holding me up in his arms my dad is on his knees and ricks holding him at gun point Rick cocks his gun and I realize what's going to happen "No! No! It was supposed to be me!" I scream fighting carl who's holding me back "No!-" my dad drops to the ground blood pouring from his head I freeze my breath shakes I push Carl away sitting beside my dad shaking his motionless body "dad?" I ask my voice was broken cutting in and out "Dad!" I shout shaking him more roughly he wasn't moving he was shot in the head and he was gone
"Bridget-" Rick starts but I turn my head looking at him angrily "you did this!" I shout standing up walking over to him "it was supposed to be me!" I shout pushing him rick grabs my arms and I struggle but give up and Rick hugs me tightly I sob into his chest he holds my head stroking my hair "we need to go" he says looking over to Carl he walks out of the room and I hear him shout "round up the savoirs bring them to hilltop"
He walks back in gently holding the sides of my stomach "they had the hunger games in the library" I whisper sniffling resting my head on Rick's chest as he holds me I hear Carl chuckle which makes me smile I lift my head it felt light turning it to Carl "sorry I pushed you" I say Carl smiles guiding me away from Rick into his arms I bury my face in his neck holding his head with one hand and his back with the other
We walk out together I'd forgotten what id felt before I felt light but happy I wasn't alone

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