Grand tour

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I walk out of the truck slamming the door behind me looking around Alexandria was beautiful "you like here?" I ask Carl amazed with its beauty and gardens it was colorful here and smelled sweet
"Well Carl take me and my daughter on the grand tour" my dad says "it's fine I'm gonna look around" I say waving them away my dad walks ahead and Carl grabs my hand and I turn to him "don't leave me with him" he says looking at my dad

"I'll be back I promise" I say smiling Carl nods letting go of my hand following my dad leading him to a house that was probably his I walk around finding a woman she was really pretty but looked a bit angry "yall got a garden here?" I ask her and she looks up to me "who the hell are you?" She asks looking at the gates savoirs were walking around some were guarding the house my dad was in with Carl

"doesn't matter" I say shrugging the woman stands up "the hell it doesn't who are you" she asks "Bridget" I say holding my hand out to her the woman's hands stay on her hips and she stares me up and done "Rosita and kind of" she says

"I could lend you seed" I say "seeds not the problem we just can't get the plants to grow" she says frustrated "I'll asks the gardeners at the sanctuary and get back to you I could probably help" I say "so who are you anyways?" She asks but a man walks up to us "Rosita who's this?" He asks "Bridget" I say smiling to him "huh" he says looking at Rosita "what?" She asks "that's Negans daughter" the man says looking at me I adjust my bow uncomfortably Rosita looked at me differently like I was a monster or something

"I better go find my dad" I say giving Rosita a slight smile walking away towards the house that was guarded a woman was protesting with arat to let her through and I came up to them "I'm sorry I can't let you through" arat says holding her hand up "what's going on?" I ask looking at the woman

"negan needs his lemonade mix" the woman says slamming the box of mix into my chest I grab it looking down at the container as the woman walked away "huh" I say shrugging walking up the stairs to the porch opening the door to Carl and my dad in aprons making spaghetti

"darlin' you are just in time!" My dad says "Carl please go set the table" my dad asks and Carl grabs plates and forks there was a woman at the table holding a little kid only about a year or two old "isn't she adorable" my dad says looking at the baby

"yea" I say setting down the mix on the counter walking over to the table sitting down the food was hot and steaming but it looked good the woman holding the kid looks up at me and smiles she was crying "want me to take her?" I ask softly looking at the kid who was sleeping "no I'm ok" the woman says sniffling getting her shit together

I smile at her and look over to Carl who's taking off his apron helping my dad put the food into bowls after awhile we all sit down and wait for awhile "look I don't know where your dad is but I am not waiting for him any longer" my dad says putting a napkin tucked into his shirt "Carl please pass the rolls" my dad asks Carl glances at me and stays with his hands in his lap "Carl please pass the rolls" my dad says sharper than before Carl sighs passing the rolls to him

I grab the bowl of spaghetti dumbing a bunch onto my plate passing it to the woman who was cradling the baby "thank you" she says smiling at me I pick up my fork eating the spaghetti we ate in silence but it was still nice to eat a great hot meal
"I just might get us a vacation home here" my dad says taking a sip of lemonade feeling his chin he'd shaven and he looked clean I look up from my book Carl had given me I may have mentioned the book problem and Carl gave me a few in a bag "it's nice here" I say rocking Judith Carl had introduced me to her after she'd woken up and Olivia had been inside away from my dad Carl was sitting in a chair next to us both

The man from before walks up and starts arguing with arat my dad sighs placing his glass down walking to them and after awhile of talking they decided to drag a pool table out from a garage and play a game of pool in the middle of the street "ever think of leaving?" I ask

"what do you mean?" Carl asks looking over to me we were both leaning on the porch fence wall "grabbing a few supplies and just leaving" I say shrugging "you'd leave your ladies behind?" Carl asks "they wouldn't exist in that senerio" I say looking over to him

"I would never leave them ever so unless all of them are gone or safe I can't leave them" I say sighing "don't you like having safety because of your dad" "no" I say but before Carl could say more my dad had gutted Spencer

the man he was playing with a crowd had gathered along the way and they were all watching gasping sick to their stomachs I look at Carl wide eyed and he does the same I look back to Spencer whose clutching his guts spilling out of his body his blood flooding the street "oh look at that you did have guts! I've never been so wrong in my entire life!" My dad shouts he was joking around after he'd gutted a man but maybe he had a reason maybe he had to
I watch Rosita pull out a gun

"No!" I shout but Carl grabs me holding me back Rosita shoots at my dad hitting his bat she's tackled to the ground and arat holds a knife to her neck "what the shit! Did you just shoot at me?!" My dad looks shocked "Olivia take Judith inside" I plead carls still holding me it felt nice to be held

"Arat shoot someone" arat points the gun at me and Carl and we both duck and Olivia drops to the ground next to us shot right below her eye my breath shakes as I crawl over to her

She was shot right below the eye judith was sleeping inside "Lucille is never going to look the same so why should you?" I hear my dad shout and I stand up slowly of my ladies were here seat would be on the ground for shooting so close to me my dad knew that be he didn't stop her I should have brought them Rick the leader of the group who'd been gone all day runs up to my dad trying his best not to loose his shit

My dad explains to Rick how Spencer asked him to kill Rick for him and how Carl broke into the sanctuary to kill him and he brought him home safely"

Carl stands up slowly and Rick looks at him annoyed and frustrated looking back to my dad "your shits at the gate just go" Rick says running his forehead my dad nods biting his tongue signaling for everyone to move "Carl listen" I say turning to him

"you know where the sanctuary is and you know where to find me" I say trying to hint for him to come back he nods and I walk over to a chair on the porch id laid my bow throwing it over my body walking down the stairs catching up to my dad

"what if she'd hit me or Carl?" I snap quietly to him "arat doesn't miss and she wasn't aiming for you darling" my dad says calmly I scoff opening the car door slamming it behind me with my arms crossed

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