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My mother was a bright soul, she loved me and my father but she got sick before and when the outbreak came and she got sicker running out of the meds she needed she died

My father cried he was angry he'd go out during the day and come back covered in blood he wouldn't talk to me after I did it
After I killed my mother after she told me
'Your father won't be strong enough to do it, it has to be you my bird'
It took awhile for my father come back I guess he never fully did but I got back what I could
"Why were you out last night?" Rick asks "I was coming here" I say quietly "why?" Rick asks "I don't know I wanted to see if Carl was ok" I say shrugging I didn't really know why I came "Carl told you what we were doing?" He asks I nod slowly and Rick covers his mouth rubbing it roughly he seemed frustrated or angry "you can do it" I say "do what?" He asks confused "kill me"
Rick pauses and tilts his head "I'm not going to" he says

"why?" I cry Rick doesn't say anything he just looks at me "maybe it will stop him" I say trying to get him to just do it "maybe it will make him snap out of it or go nuts and bury himself in a grave" I say shaking my head Rick puts his hand on my shoulder and I look at him "you don't have to die for this to stop" he says calmly "how you do know that?" I ask "because I want you on our side" he says smiling at me

"I'm sorry we shot at you and your friend we had to get you here somehow" I looking down at my lap picking at the skin on my thumb "so how do we do that my dad would kill all of you if he knew where I was right now" I say shrugging "Carl told me about your ladies are they safe?" Rick asks ignoring my question

"No" I reply it was true as long as I was gone they had no one to protect them they were as important as the prisoners "can you get them out?" Rick asks "yes" I say nodding "we're going to send a team with you tonight retrieve your ladies and anyone else whose unsafe their" rick says standing up I stand up brushing off my lap I nod "welcome to Alexandria Bridget" he says holding his hand out I shake it and smile
I adjust my arrow holster tightening it as tight as it went throwing my bow around my body
Rick had chosen michonne, Carl and Jesus a man from hilltop to go with us "remember if anything goes wrong I'm the distraction while you all leave got it" I ask everyone as we walk to our car they all nod and we get in michonne was driving and Carl was smushed next to me he was carrying lots of guns on him I don't even know how Carl fit under all of those guns but he did

"Listen screw that plan how can we leave anyone behind" Jesus says looking to michonne "yea" she says looking at me in the mirror "It should be all of us or non of us that's how it works now right?" He continues "No that's stupid why would we all go down if it could just be me" I interrupt "it's not just you anymore that's why" michonne says turning to you me "you are one of us now anything that happens to you happens to all of us" she turns back around starting the car driving out of the gates
The car ride was long and quiet we parked about a mile away from the sanctuary and we went through the fence I unlocked it and we went in through my window I'm surprised nobody caught us with how noisy Carl was climbing but he got through

"Where have you been?! And who are these people?!" Mai asks the girls were all tense and Mai lowered her knife "where the hell is Kenzie?!" She asks grabbing my arm pulling me away from Carl Jesus and michonne "we are here to get you out Kenzie is shot" I say pulling my arm away "get us out?"

"Mai it's not safe here and we all know it we have to go" I say pleading with her "and go where?" She asks looking and Carl "go with him?" She asks pointing at Carl looking back to me "yes?" I say putting my hands on my hips "why are you doing this?!" She asks "doing what?" I ask

"changing we are safe here as long as you stay why are you leaving?" Mai seemed hurt I didn't know why she didn't understand "mai the second I die or leave you all are killed you know this you know if I'm gone they'll kill you they wouldn't have a use for you!" I plead "I care about you all your my sisters my family I need you safe we can be safe and happy" I say mai seems to think about it and she nods "Ok" she replies

It felt like a weight had lifted and my chest wasn't heavy but it came back quickly when I heard "baby you in here?" My dad asks "just a second!" I say motioning to the window "go I'll catch up" I whisper michonne closes her eyes angrily then nods

I walk towards the door opening to so they can't see the window "hey daddy" I say smiling "you've been gone all day I missed my girl" he says smiling at me "missed you too we went out for fun I just need to finish up and here" I say happily hoping they were gone "who's still up it's late?" My dad asks "Kenzie and me we are figuring out a plan for hilltop" I reply

"what's it about?" My dad asks "I'll tell you tomorrow when it's finished" I say chuckling "alright we'll just get to sleep soon baby" my dad says kissing me on the head "night" I say as he walks away "night baby" he says turning around smiling at me I close the door locking it behind me they were all out the window and that's all that mattered

I stare at the full cup of my lemonade mix and chug it pouring another dumping it down my throat before sticking my head out of the window they were all staring up at me and I make my way down trying to be quiet "we have time let's go" I whisper we all run to the fence and about half of them made it out when the door opens "shit" I mutter looking to Carl whose holding his gun up pointing at the me "Carl" I snap Carl lowers his gun looking at me "go" I whisper "but-" "go!"

I whisper smiling I hug him tightly kissing him on the cheek pushing him towards the gate turning to the men running to them "I think I see some walkers about that way!" I say pointing towards the other direction "we got called down here because there was a sighting of a group of people" one man says "just me and some walkers" I say "alright what direction?" The man asks he seemed impatient "that way" I point in the direction where they wouldn't be able to see the road the group was on the men nod and jog away I look around to see if anyone's out there and run to the fence
"Mai!" I shout catching up to them panting I'd ran the whole way there if I'm regretting it so much "oh I feel sick" I mutter dropping to the ground holding my head rolling around on the ground "will you get up?" Zoe snaps I sit up and michonne opens the car door getting in "can I ride on the roof?" I ask "the roof?" Leena asks "ha ya" I laugh "are you drunk?" Mai asks "tiny bit" I say holding my fingers to the a pinch "you two get her up" Mai says people my ladies I'm guessing pick me up by my arms standing me up "good thing she's a happy drunk"

Carl says shrugging "how do you know that?" Jesus asks Carl shuts up staring at me and starts laughing making me laugh hysterically "shut up" Mai snaps as michonne gets out of the car "it won't start" she says looking at me I snicker looking at Carl and he looks down trying not to laugh "she alright?" Michonne asks Mai pointing to me Mai rolls her eyes looking at me making a 🤙🏻 with her hands pretending to drink it michonne looks at me "you drank on a mission?!" She scolds

"no I drank after" I say rolling my eyes "we need to go home how are we going to get home with her?" Michonne asks "look we have atleast the morning for them to realize can't we try again with the car?" Mai asks "be my guest" michonne says stepping away from the car sitting down on the ground

"can I go on the roof now?" I ask "what?" Mai asks "Carl let's go for a walk" I say walking away from my girls that were holding me grabbing his hand leading him down the road "go in the direction of home!" Michonne shouts

"guess what I got!" I say excitedly "what?" Carl guesses looking at me I take a small bottle of vodka shaking it gently for a reveal "ah!" I gasped excitedly unscrewing the bottle taking a swig "easy" Carl says gently I hold up the bottle to him and he takes it taking a swig making a sour face after making me laugh he takes another swig handing me the bottle

"so you got a girlfriend or something?" I ask "I mean" Carl thinks about it for a second "I don't think so?" He says unsure of himself "ok I'll take that" I say chuckling I cap the bottle throwing it on the ground but it doesn't break I stop looking at the bottle "it's plastic" Carl says chuckling "goddammit I really wanted it to break" I whine picking it back up throwing it down the road I laugh pointing at the bottle bouncing up and down still going down the road

"We should go back" Carl says he was blinking a lot "what am I borring you?" I ask chuckling "No- no!" Carl stutters "I'm joking relax" I say hearing a twig snap "you hear that?" I ask grabbing my bow loading it with an arrow pointing it in the direction of the noise "hear what-" carls cut off by me shooting my arrow at a slight movement "I hit something" I say running to what I hit it was dark and I couldn't see shit except a big figure "back up" Carl pushes me behind him taking his knife out "it's just a walker" he says

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