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"Get some rest" Carl says in a gentle voice I sit down on the bed peeling off my clothes covered in sweat and tears until I was just in my bra and underwear I scoot myself up to my pillow resting my head down gently Carl walks over he was shirtless and in jeans his buttons and zipper were undone and he was carrying his leg holsters he put them down walking over to my side of the bed sitting at my side he ran the back of his knuckles in my forehead moving his hands down to my cheek cuffing his hand holding it

"Your gonna be fine" he says giving me his sad smile "you are gonna beat this world I know you will" he says softly "you are smart and you are strong and you are so brave and I love you" he says "I love you too" I say giving him a version of a sad smile

"my mother told me that she said you gotta do what's your baby you promise me you'll always do what's right" I tear up thinking about baby Carl kneeling in a dark basement of a prison watching his mother fade away saying Maggie cutting her open Carl told me he yelled at Maggie and he was crying he said "your killing her!" As Maggie cut her open as she screamed and bled out next to her son

"Your going to be the last one" I say my voice raspy "what?" He asks "your going to be the last one of us standing" I say he grabs my hand holding it in both of his hands "we will all of us" he says I sit up guiding his head down to my chest laying back down Carl adjusts himself he's wrapped his arm across my body resting his head on my chest I pet his hair gently

"you miss her?" I ask he nods slowly closing his eyes his eyelashes batting against my bare chest "only thing I have left of her is her flannels and my hair" he says softly "your hair?" I ask "her and Shane she cut my hair when we talked about catching frogs" he says "you ever catch any?" I ask "we caught a boot" he says chuckling "you think Shane could have changed?" I ask petting his hair again "no" he says quietly "I wish he could have but he was too far gone"

Carl stays quiet he nudges his face in my chest sighing "my dad is dead" I say plainly I needed to hear it "d e a d" I spell "dead" I repeat closing my eyes "Jesus" I mutter shaking my head "you can have mine" Carl by says lightly chuckling "I think I'll just take Daryl" I say laughing "Daryl told me you are a psycho with a bow" I scoff "you sure he's not describing himself?" I ask

"Hey did you know every member of my family had been shot except Judith?" Carl says "wow" I say scoffing just thinking about it Carl was shot twice so was Rick michonne was shot by Merle Lori by Carl

Rick knocks at the door and opens it Carl lifts his head a bit but rests it again I play with carls hair looking up at Rick "get some rest it's late you have had a long day" Rick says walking over sitting on the side of the bed putting his hand on Carl " why'd you say that they had the hunger games?" Rick asks me "Carl said I reminded him of Katniss the girl with the bow" I say "huh that's weirdly true" Rick mutters

Michonne walks in holding Judith "aw" she says looking at me and Carl
Carl moves his body his cheek was on my chest and he was hugging me I stroke his hair michonne lays next to me letting go of Judith who crawls over to us climbing onto carls back matching what he was doing making me laugh "judy your going to hurt Carl!" Michonne shrieks laughing

Rick chuckles I wrap my arms around Carl shaking Judith by her arms making her laugh she falls off of Carl landing in Rick's laugh who bounces her up and down on his knees singing the hearts of Texas

"Let's go to bed honey" Rick says after awhile "Ok" michonne says smiling at him Carl had switched positions he was back to laying on his side resting his head on my chest with his arm across my stomach "yall get a good nights rest ok?" Rick says michonne walks over kissing Carl on the forehead kissing mine next smiling down at us
"Good night" I say happily "good night" they both say walking out of the door
"Carl?" I whisper shaking him gently we were in the same positions from when we fell asleep "mhm" he groans taking a deep breath and a dramatic exhale he nudges his face in my chest holding me a bit tighter than before "Carl wake up"

I whisper shaking him gently stroking his hair I feel him smile and he kisses my chest lifting his head "good morning" he says smiling with a groggy voice his hair was messy "good morning" I chuckle fixing his hair we both sit up and I stretch

"any dreams?" He asks "No" I say happily life felt normal I felt happy knowing we were safe I was back home with the man I loved "you?" I ask "I dreamed of you meeting my mother" he says looking up at me "she liked you" he says "but you screwed it up after I said it's not that hard and you said it's not?" He chuckles "Jesus" I laugh shaking my head

"Breakfeast!" Michonne yells from downstairs I get up grabbing a clean shirt unbuckling my bra from behind Carl watches me amazed at how I could take off my bra even with a shirt on "what?" I ask

"how do you do that?" He asks I chuckle throwing my bra at him and he throws it back at me I squeal laughing as he gets up running at me picking me up I wrap my legs around him and my arms around his neck "magic" I say breathlessly kissing him he kisses me back a bit rougher and I pull away "breakfeast?" I say smiling "I could eat" Carl says putting me down I grab another bra putting it on with my shirt covering me throwing on jeans that were wayyy to big for me and definitely carls

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