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"Morning" I yawn stretching and laying back down pulling the covers over me looking over to Carl

"Morning" he says quietly smiling at me grabbing me slowly using me as his teddy bear "Carl!" I groan "I can't breath" I manage to squeeze out Carl lets me go and I chuckle pushing him slightly I get up stretching and Carl sits up watching me "like the view?" I ask balling up his jeans throwing them at him I pick up my underwear putting it on I sit on the edge of the bed and Carl walks in shirtless and in underwear sitting next to me rubbing my back in circles I rest my head on his shoulder sighing "any regrets?" He asks "Bridget grimes" I say looking at my ring finger that was missing the ring it needed "it's got a good sound" I say smiling at Carl

he smiles looking over to my bra clip "need help?" He asks "yea" I admit moving my hair out of the way Carl clips my bra "is your dad going to kill your for literally sleeping with the enemy?" I ask looking over to him "No your one of us so are your ladies" Carl says someone knocks on the door and I stand up opening the door and Tara started at me looking me up and down "well hello" she says blushing "hey tar" Carl says waving to her from where he was laying on the bed "Hi Carl" Tara says waving to him looking back to me "damn" she mutters making me chuckle "your dad arrived a couple minutes ago so get dressed ok?" She says looking to Carl who gives her a thumbs up Tara looks back to me giving me another look up and down "Bye" she says turning around and I close the door

"Huh" I say confused with what just happened throwing on a clean shirt it was large and it was carls but it would do "that's my shirt" Carl says putting his on "noo" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes at him and smiling "my dad knows that's my shirt" he says pulling on his jeans "Ok" I say buckling my jeans tucking the shirt in the jeans "is it bad I forgot to ask about michonne?" I ask looking at Carl "she's fine she got back while you were out and no because you woke up we slept together and fell back asleep" he says shrugging putting his hat on tightening his holster "right" I nod putting my bow across my body "why do you do that?" Carl asks pointing at my bow "easy grab and free hands" I say walking towards the door "and I can use my knife easier that way" I say opening the door "smart like Katniss" Carl says walking up behind me "huh?" I ask "Katniss?" Carl says "what's a Katniss?" I ask "from the hunger games she used a bow an arrow"

Carl says tilting his head "you've never heard of the hunger games?" Carl asks I shake my head confused "it's a book right?" I ask "they made a movie too but just of the first book before" Carl says ask we walk down the stairs "huh" I mutter "Katniss" I say gently letting the name flow through the air Carl opens the door holding it open for me to walk through and I bow my head to him as a thank you Rick is hugging michonne and they are laughing "Rick!" I yell running over to him Carl catches up to me grabbing my hand and we both hug Rick not letting go "missed you guys" he says in his deep grunty voice

"You get it done?" Rick asks me I nod "they are resting" I say "Maggie's not happy she's here" Carl whispers "I know let me and mich handle that" Rick says looking back to me "heard you got hurt helping michonne you alright?" He asks before I could answer michonne grabs my shoulder holding it gently smiling at Rick "she saved my life and almost died doing it I owe her my life and you owe her"

michonne says to Rick smiling down at me I smile and look down embarrassed with the compliment of her safety

"I do?" Rick asks chuckling tilting his head to michonne who nods "you do" Carl says "Rick we need to talk" Maggie says walking over to us looking at Rick quickly glancing at me "alright" Rick says letting go of me and Carl walking off with Maggie "wanna go listen?" Michonne asks looking back and fourth between me and Carl we both nod following Rick and Maggie to a trailer listening in "Rick I don't want her here" Maggie says impatiently

"Maggie she needs a safe place to stay and they are raining down on Alexandria right now we have a plan of attack but we need hilltop" Rick says calmly "she stays and we won't fight" Maggie says I hear her sit down "she saved michonne she shot her father he's not well he might not even make it"

"What?" I ask Carl standing up from a crouch "I hit him?" I ask Carl nods "I shot my father?" I ask I was hurt id done it but I did it for michonne it had to matter I walk over to the trailer door opening it stepping in "ma'am with all due respect may I say a few words?" I ask Maggie crosses her arms and nods "I saved michonne doesn't that means something?" I ask "I've saved people what did it matter?" Maggie asks me "I shot my own father for you people for michonne, Carl, rick I stopped him I shot him I loved him maybe I still do I want to do what's right not because I don't love him I want a better place and life for my people and with him incharge it won't work maybe my arrow will kill him but I hope it doesn't I hope that he spends his life in prison while we fix what he broke"

I say looking at Rick back to Maggie "my mother didn't die for this" I say quietly "she didn't neither did Lori" Rick says looking at Maggie "we have to figure out how to work together you have a good leader and her ladies who can fight with you" Rick says to Maggie "but it's your pick" he says getting up walking out the door I get up quickly following Rick out of the door not wanting to be stuck in a room alone with a grieving pregnant woman

"What happened?" Michonne asks "I don't know" I shrug turning to Carl "round two?" I ask he smiles looking at michonne "we'll be right back" he says cheerfully "no we won't" I say as we walk off

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