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I walk down stairs in jeans and carls shirt resting my hands on my waist holster Judith giggles at my shirt and I give her a dirty look "do you have something to say about this attractive shirt?" I ask Judith smiles at me and looks at michonne who acts all surprised for Judith

"Carl since things are back to normal-" I cut rick off "normal?" I ask "yes normal we don't have to worry about dying everyday now" Rick says "are you serious we have walkers trying to bite us everyday!" I say shoving a spoon full of cereal in my mouth "well normal for us" Rick says shrugging

"got it" Carl says looking over to me smiling "and you" Rick says pointing at me "we need to find you a job you can't just sleep all day" I give him a sour face "why the hell not?" I ask "because you are valuable" Rick says smiling at me I remember my dad saying that it killed me rick did too "I'm going for a walk" I say quietly "don't go to the sanctuary" michonne says but regrets it when Carl and Rick both give her a look I open the door I was weaponless and shoeless and sad walking over to Rosita's house

"Sita?" I yell knocking on her door "just a second" she yells from far inside her house I groan looking up at her porch roof and a couple minutes later she opens the door

Her hair was a mess and her clothes were half put on and she was panting "who's here?!" I ask barging in moving her out of the way "nobody I just got out of the shower!" She says "then why aren't you wet your sweaty but not wet" I say looking around

Rosita groans as I run up the stairs to find Aled in his boxers "No shit!" I gasped laughing at Rosita "shut up" Rosita says pushing me back from the door closing it behind her "least he's hot!" I yell laughing to myself walking down the stairs laying down on the couch

Rosita comes down about 20 mintues later she's dressed better but her hair is still a mess she picks me legs up sitting done putting them back on her lap "what do you want?" She asks looking down at her fingers picking at them "sorry bout earlier Rick got in my head I needed a distraction and apparently a big one" I say chuckling

"what'd he say?" She asks looking down at me "he said I was valuable" I say looking up to her "Oh" he says trying to make me feel better "my dad said that it made me feel unwanted for me just for what I could do" I say shrugging "he made you feel unwanted?" She asks "I guess" I say aled walks down the stairs fully clothed

Rosita gets up kissing him on the cheek and they say their goodbyes "was that a drunk hookup or a serious one?" I ask "he came from hilltop and it just sort of happened I like him" she says smiling "I thought everytime you felt this way you had sex with Carl?" She asks "don't make me regret telling you that and last night" I say

"you can't have sex more than once?" She asks "what you and Abraham going 5 times in a row huh?" Rosita told me about her and Abraham and him and Sasha "yup" she says proudly "Jesus" I mutter laughing I hear knocking on the door and Rosita groans

"WHAT?" She yells loudly Rick opens the door walking in with Carl behind him "we've come to collect the package" Rick says and chuckles at his stupid words "come on we'll drop Carl off on watch" he says holding his hand out to me I look at Rosita who shrugs and I get up walking over to Rick taking his hand and he lead me out of the door I let go of his hand and he puts it on my shoulder the sun was hot and it felt nice against my neck "I heard what you said to your dad" Rick says Carl was ahead and I doubt he could hear us "oh yea?" I ask

"you told him to just do it" he says looking at me I break eye contact with him looking down at the road as we walked "I wanted him to" I say truthfully "I felt nothing left and I wanted him to do it" I say a bit quieter "after Lori died I went off the rails I saw her everywhere I was following her ghost outside of the gates I had nothing left I wanted to die but I had Carl and Judith and Daryl and everyone helped me" he said "we can help you" he continues "No-"

"Your not too far gone" Rick says and we both stop and look at eachother "your not" he repeats "if I agree will you shut up?" I ask ask we continue walking "no" he says smiling and me a chuckle and smile as we reach the gate

"good luck keep us safe son" Rick says patting his shoulder carls hat is in his hands but Rick takes it placing it on his head proudly Rick winks at me and walks away "make him proud" I say chuckling

"I love you" Carl says kissing me I kiss him back and pull away smiling at him "I love you too" I say hugging him tightly "I'm not going off to war" he says hugging me back "I know I'm going to miss you" I say softly Carl puts his hands on my cheeks pulling away "you'll be fine for a couple hours" he says "what if I get kidnapped or bit or shot again or stabbed or-" Carl cuts me off "you'll be fine"

I smile and cup my hand to his ear "I'll be home naked in your bed when you get home" I whisper winking to him walking off

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