Chapter 18: A Guarantee

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Alex's words would serve to only anger Hua(?) even more as the two clashed once more.

Because her emotions were running rampant, the fake was no longer aiming or striking with precision allowing Alex to easily land in more attacks on her.

As this battle went on, an idea came across Alex's head as his mind wandered over to the feather.

'Hey Hua. Answer me something.'

"What is it Alex?"

'Right now, we're able to communicate because your feather is in direct contact with me, correct?'

"Yes that's right. Wait, don't tell me you......."

'If I'm able to get close enough and touch the fake with the feather, that should allow you to enter that body and take it over.'

"While it would work, getting that close while she's this enraged could lead to a brutal outcome for me."

Despite Fu Hua's warning, Alex simply smiled.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." He said to himself as after getting some separation again from Hua(?), he immediately ran into a nearby building that was abandoned.

"Oh NOW you wanna run away and hide!? Come out and fight me!" Shouted the fake as she stormed inside, following after him.

Inside, there was tons of cluttered debris and rubble that even the smallest amount of movement could cause a massive cloud of dust.

Despite this, the fake Hua had no more room for patience as she began to kick and punch her way through the clutter, already causing a decently sized dust cloud to envelop the area.

As she smashed her way through, Alex sat behind a corner at the other end of the room, waiting for the right moment as he had a hand on the handle of his sword, with Fu Hua's feather held tightly in his other hand.

"Focus Alex. You only have one shot at this."

'Yeah. I know.'

He waited and waited, the fake getting closer and closer.

Then, it was the time to strike as Alex stood up, immediately catching Hua(?)'s attention.

"Aha! There yo-!" Before she could finish speaking, Alex brought forth the Olympus' flames and dealt a massive fire slash, completely destroying ever piece of rubble and debris in that space as a large dust cloud enveloped them, completely obscuring their vision.

"D-Dammit!" Said the fake in frustration as she desperately tried to swat the dust away.

As for Alex, he hadn't moved an inch until he got the word from Hua.

"She's right there! Go!"

The boy immediately dashed foward and jumped up, bursting through the dust cloud.

Hua(?) would notice him too late as Alex would place his right hand where the feather was, right on the fake's forehead.

When he did so, a bright light began to slowly emerge from there before blinding Alex's vision.

Once it came back, he saw that the dust cloud was gone as well as the fake Hua.

It was just him all alone in the building as he looked around.

"The hell? Was I just dreaming all that?" He asked himself before noticing a light shine outside from where the battle was first taking place.

He stepped back outside and saw a figure there standing in the middle as he approached them.

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