Chapter 34: The Proposal

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Right as Alex realized that, he saw Mei about to coat her blade in electricity, about to activate her Herrscher powers to take down the last core of the final mech standing.

Acting quickly Alex grabbed Mei's hand, preventing her from doing so as he took care of the core himself.

Mei wasn't to pleased at this however Alex quickly explained his actions as he whispered to her.

"Look, that puppet has an ulterior motive. You heard how she addressed your Herrscher powers right?"


"Well, it plans to nab your Herrscher powers just like it did to Bronya. You use them even for a second, and they're swiped. It's gonna be difficult but I'm gonna need you to hold off on them until absolutely necessary, okay?" Explained Alex as Mei nodded.

The two would catch up with the doll as it had been waiting for them.

"My, you sure took your time. Wouldn't your Herrscher powers have made things faster?" It asked.

"Alex and I's swordsmanship will be enough to suffice." Said Mei.

The puppet merely sighed as it continued on its path with the two following.

Upon getting back down to the first floor this time on the other side of the stairs, the two were greeted with another round of mechs, this time more than the first.

"A lot more toys this time. You two better hurry up or you'll both be left behind." Said the puppet.

"Don't worry about us. We'll catch up in no time." Said Alex.

"A Herrscher that wields a blade? How unbefitting! I'd prefer lightning if I were you." Said the puppet who by now was clearly making its intentions clear.

It walked on ahead as Alex and Mei would take down this second round of enemies without any issues.

They'd walk up the steps that were ahead of them, reaching a dead-end as up ahead was the puppet completely stopped in the middle as this area had a large circular window on the wall in front as two stairs were off to the left and right.

The puppet showed no signs on continuing on as it had already caught on that Alex and Mei knew what was going on.

"So, what was that about taking us on a tour?" Asked Alex.

"You can go ahead and drop the act now." Said Mei.

"Tsk. Oh well, it couldn't be helped I guess. Could you blame me for trying to be deceitful? I just wanted to see the legendary Herrscher of Thunder in action." It said half-heartedly. "And about that tour, I wasn't lying. Would you like to see the rest of this place? Of course, the boy isn't allowed to come with for he's already seen it all."

"Like I even wanted to go in the first time."

"I'd rather discuss something more important. Such as why you seem so insistent on me joining you?" Asked Mei.

"Because we were all weak, desperate, and considered losers. We couldn't handle the cruel mistress that was reality. Just like that boy a few days ago." Said the puppet as it pointed at Alex.

The boy merely shrugged the puppet's remarks off.

"Of course now you're all different and powerful however, earlier in your life you would've been a perfect fit. Still, you're welcome here even at this current moment."

"Oh really? How so?" Asked Mei.

"Because despair still lingers in your heart, just like despair still lingers in his." Said the puppet.

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