Chapter 1

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A quick note before the story begins. This is a crossover between the Marvel and Miraculous Universe. ie. Miraculous takes place in the Marvel Universe. It is set Pre-Infinity War (ie. No Thanos Snap, Iron Man isn't dead, etc) and also at the beginning of Season 3 onwards of Miraculous.

(so only the events of Season 1 and 2 of Miraculous are cannon, which, for anyone else who doesn't remember what happens in what season, includes the major events of 'Volpina', introducing ONLY the heroes Rena Rogue, Carapace and Queen Bee, and ends with the Season 2 finale 'Heroes Day', which introduces the Peacock Miraculous and Sentimonsters)

Now onto the story! :)

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"Mmm." Marinette ignored her pestering Kwami, dragging a pillow over her ears.

"You're going to be late again."

"Wha-" Marinette groggily blinked sleep from her eyes. Yawning and focusing her eyes on the blurry red shape in front of her, she processed the words slowly, "Late for what?"

"School?" Tikki raised an eyebrow, "Like every other day?"

Marinette pondered her words for another few seconds, before it clicked. "Tikki!"


"I'm going to be late for school!"


"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" She whipped the bedsheets open and scrambled out of bed. Tiki floated around behind Marinette, watching her holder panic, and shook her head with a smile.


Attempting to open the classroom's door quickly but quietly, Marinette only achieved the former, and slammed it open accidentally.

"Nice one, Baker Girl." Chloé upturned her nose, and then continued her conversation, which Marinette had probably interrupted, with her desk-mate Sabrina.

"Girl, you are lucky that our teacher is late today." Alya's eyebrowed were raised.

"She's late?"

"Yes. Don't you only have one more strike before they put you on detention?"

"I do?" Marinette slunk into her seat and yawned, closing her eyes and resting her head on the table.

"You really need to fix that sleep schedule of yours."

"I know."

"You're not getting enough sleep."

"I know."

"What was so important this time?"


"What kept you awake?"

"Nothing-" Marinette's mind flashed to a late night patrol, "I went to bed at a reasonable time, actually."

"You were just agreeing with me that you're not getting to bed early enough." Alya teased.

"No I didn't,"

"Hmm." Alya didn't seem convinced, "What happened to your alarm then?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? Did it even go off?"

"I don't know!"

Alya sighed, "Well then sounds like you need a reliable alarm, huh? One that will actually wake you up in time?"

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