Chapter 5

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Peter mumbled out a thank you to Marinette and almost tripped as Chloé Bourgeois pulled him inside the hotel. This is going to be fun...

"Your suitcases are already in your room. So we don't need to go there yet." She stopped to look at him with narrowed eyes. "Actually, maybe we do go there so you can drop off your... bag."

"What is wrong with my bag?" Peter looked at his backpack, maybe it was a little beaten up, but it wasn't that bad, was it?

"It's a bit... poor."

"Poor!?" A bag didn't need to be worth a week's rent to be functional.

"Yep. Come on!"

As Chloé took off to the right towards the elevators (expecting Peter to follow along behind her), Peter took in his surroundings. Infront of him was an impressively fancy set of stairs lined with iron banisters. In the centre of the backwall, above where the stairs split to the left and right, was the hotel's name, Le Grand Paris, extravagantly written on the wall, along with five gold stairs painted underneath. The several chandeliers hanging from the roof solidified his growing thoughts; he never in his life would be able to afford staying in a hotel like this if not for being 'hosted' by Chloé's family.

Or maybe if he'd stay here if he was travelling with Mr Stark, actually. It's possible that he would book a place like this.

Regardless, it was going to be an interesting experience.

He followed after Chloé, passing by several sets of chairs and coffee tables that littered the ground floor. They reached the wall where the elevators were, and Chloé pressed a button on the wall to call the lift.

Chloé grew visibly agitated as the lift seemingly took longer than she expected for it to arrive. Peter swore it had barely been a dozen seconds.

She turned to look at him, an unreadable expression on her face. "So how do you spend your free time, Peter?" More small talk, great. He'd had plenty of that with Marinette a few minutes prior.

"Uh," He could tell his reply would be important here. He racked his brain for something to say that wasn't I'm Spider-Man. "I mean, building Star Wars LEGO with my friend Ned is something I enjoy-" he blurted out after too-long-of-a pause.

"Boring." Chloé turned away from him, losing interest.

Okay then, "I also have my internship with Mr Stark that takes up a lot of time." Here we go...

Chloé narrowed her eyes, turning back to him. "Stark? Like-"

"Tony Stark?" Peter grinned. "Yeah"

Chloé narrowed her eyes, "Not bad, Parker." She tossed her head to the side. "Maybe you'll do."

While Peter was left to ponder what she meant, the doors to the elevator opened as it finally arrived. Chloé motioned for him to step in before her, and he did, and she followed close behind. She pressed one of the buttons and the doors closed as they started moving towards the upper floors.

"My room is on the fifth floor." Chloé told him, matter-of-factly. "Yours will be on the fourth floor, in one of the guest rooms, of course. They aren't as good as the resident rooms, like mine, but you'll survive."

I'm sure it's more expensive than my place.

The doors finally opened, and Chloé stepped out. Peter followed behind and they started walking down one of the corridors. A few rooms down, Chloé motioned to one of the doors.

"This one is yours. Room 404."

Peter opened his mouth to make a joke but realised that Chloé didn't seem like the type of person to know what 'error 404' was, and so he kept quiet. She looked at him with puzzlement but didn't say anything as she opened the double doors.

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