Chapter 6

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Marinette woke up the following day to a phone call from Alya.

She picked up her phone groggily, "Hello? Alya?"

"Hey! Have you woken up yet?"

"Woken up?" Marinette rubbed her face. "No." She yawned, "You just woke me up. Why?"

"For school? Remember?"

Marinette froze, fully awake now. "What time is it? How late is it?!"

"Chilax, girl." Alya teased, "Your alarm is due to go off in 5 minutes, actually. Anyways, I told you that I'd be able to wake you up on time, didn't I?"

"Okay. Well firstly, how do you know when my alarm is due to go off? And secondly, why call me BEFORE it goes off?"

Alya laughed, "Firstly, a magician never reveals her secrets, and secondly, because you need all the time you can get! So, hurry up and get ready for school! I'll see you soon." She hung up.

Marinette grumbled quietly and rolled out of bed.


Marinette walked into class early for once. It was quite an accomplishment really, except something was off.

Today, Adrien sat alone in the front row, as Nino was sitting in the spot that Marinette usually would have sat in. Marinette walked up to Alya, waving nervously at Adrien, and leaned over to whisper in her friend's ear. "Is Nino sitting here just because you guys wanted to chat? Or?"

Alya smiled at Marinette, though she seemed to feel guilty, and Marinette wasn't sure why, "No, he's sitting here now."

Marinette blinked, "You got Nino to swap seats? Why?" The dots connected in her mind. "Did you do this so I could sit next to Adrien?" She grinned, "Wow! You're the best!"

"Uh," Alya hesitated, "Sorry girl, your seat is up the back now. You get to sit with the exchange students."

Marinette stopped. "What? Why?"

"Well, She has a hearing problem and needs to sit in the front row, remember?"


"Don't you remember? Lila returns from her trip today."


Lila, who lied to everyone about being best friends with Ladybug.

Lila, who lied to Adrien that she was also a secret superhero (and then promptly got Akumatised after Ladybug proved her wrong).

Lila, who had supposedly been travelling overseas ever since. Marinette was pretty sure she never left the country.

"A hearing problem? But Lila-"

Marinette's protest was interrupted by Miss Bustier opening the door and entering the room. She turned around to look at the teacher.

"Hello class! For the second day in a row, we have an exciting new face joining the class! Or rather, an old face!" She stepped aside to reveal Lila.

Marinette frowned and backed up a bit towards the back of the class. I managed to summon her just by thinking about her yesterday afternoon, huh? I really thought we'd never see her here again.

"Hello everyone!" Lila smiled sweetly. "Oh!" She eyed the empty seat next to Adrien. "Is that seat for me? You remembered my hearing problems! Thank you so much!" She walked over to the desk and sat down next to Adrien, grinning at him. Marinette wasn't quite sure how Adrien reacted as his back was turned to her.

"You- you have a hearing problem Lila?" Marinette asked suspiciously, she didn't remember this being talked about last time she saw her.

"Yes," Lila turned to look at her, "I suffer from tinnitus. It's a constant ringing in my left ear." She pouted.

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