Chapter 3

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"Where did you go?" Chat Noir asked her as she landed beside him with an apology.

"Rescuing Alya and her friend named Peter." Marinette said, "They almost got killed!"

"Peter?" Chat Noir stiffened.

"I'm not sure who they are," Marinette lied, "he had a bit of an accent though, I don't think he's from Paris. Seems to be Alya's friend."

"Right." Chat Noir replied, seeming a bit distracted, "I hope they're both alright."

"They should be," Marinette snorted, "as long as they stay out of trouble!"

Chat Noir smiled and nodded, "Well after I noticed you'd disappeared, I backed off from trying to get close to the Akuma. Didn't really want to risk getting in close again. However-" He pointed at the dragon's wings. "-I do agree that there seems to be something, or someone being hidden there."

"Right. Well, let's try and get in close again." Marinette opened her yoyo and pulled out an earpiece to allow her to communicate with Chat Noir while being split up. "Let's make sure we can actually talk to each other this time."

"You got it!" Chat Noir pulled out a similar device from his staff.

Once again, they leapt off the building in opposite directions. The dragon growled loudly, gaze flicking between the two heroes, seemingly not sure who to go after first. It made a decision, and lunged towards Marinette, who threw out her yoyo directly at one of its wings with all her might as she saw Char Noir go to whack the other wing with his staff. The dragon flinched and roared, rearing up onto its back legs and opening its wings once more. Paying attention this time, she narrowed her eyes and noticed a figure crouched on its back before the wings folded up again and covered it.

"There! Did you see?" Marinette voice lifted with triumph. They were getting somewhere. Hopefully.

"Yep! There's someone there!"

"Do you think they're controlling the dragon?"

"Could be."

They landed on the dragon's head and ran down towards its back, doing their best to keep their balance as the Akuma thrashed around to try and throw them off.

"Hey you! Come out here and fight us!" Chat Noir yelled, jamming his staff into a gap between the wings of the dragon and trying to create an opening. "Don't you need our Miraculous or something? Your overgrown lizard isn't exactly going to get them for you!"

The dragon stilled for a few seconds and a voice was heard from underneath the dragon's wings. "Yes, Hawkmoth."

Marinette was caught off guard as the dragon thrashed violently again and she lost her footing, being flung off its back and landing nearby on the ground. Ouch.

She groaned, a bit dazed, and yelped as a blast of fire nearly hit her. They needed to defeat this Akuma as soon as possible. "Lucky Charm!" She yelled, throwing her yoyo up into the air and catching the newly materialised object in her arms.

"A mirror?"

She yelped again and rolled out of the way as one of the dragon's legs stamped down in the spot she was just in.

"Careful M'Lady, if the mirror breaks, that's seven years of bad luck!" Chat Noir joked, looking down at her from the dragon's back and clinging on so that he wouldn't be thrown off as well. He yelped as the dragon thrashed again, trying to dislodge him.

She swung away before the dragon could try to attack her once more and landed at a relatively safer distance from the dragon. She surveyed the scene, trying to identify how to use the Lucky Charm.

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