Chapter 4

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Marinette swung back towards the school and landed down in a nearby alley. She checked to make sure no one could see her, and then she de-transformed.

"Spots off." Her magical transformation peeled away as she spoke the trigger words, and Tikki, her Kwamii, appeared beside her.

Marinette turned and pulled out a macaron from her bag to feed to Tikki and smiled.

"It's a good thing that my belongings reappear after I de-transform, huh?" She handed the macaron to Tikki, who accepted it with her tiny hands.

"Thanks Marinette." Tikki took a bite out of the macaron that was almost as big as her head. "Yeah," she grinned, "Imagine if you had to hide your bag somewhere every time you had to transform!"

"That would be awful." Marinette mused, "I would definitely have lost more than a dozen bags by now." She pulled out her phone and turned it on.

She winced.

10 Missed calls from Alya. Whoops.

Marinette gave Alya a call as she started to walk the remaining block towards the school and almost lost her hearing as Alya's voice yelled in her ear through the speaker.


Marinette chuckled, "Sorry Alya, I um-" she searched for the right excuse, "-had to go in hiding because of the dragon. I couldn't reach you guys." She's definitely used that particular excuse more than a dozen time before.

"And you said NOTHING?"

"Uhh... I kinda lost my phone due to the Akuma, but thankfully Ladybug's power returned it to me." She lied. "So I've got my phone back now." Another classic excuse.

"None of this would have happened if you'd gone with Peter!" Alya continued yelling, "He said you told him to go without him and that you would 'catch up'." She snorted. "If it were me I would have said 'no thank you I will wait right here' but that's not his fault for not knowing you. I know that you always manage to get yourself into trouble when you disappear."

Marinette laughed nervously, "Were you guys okay?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"Uhh-" Now it was Alya's turn to chuckle nervously. She heard someone say something in the background and Alya shushed them. She's yelling into her phone while there were other people around? Am I on speaker? Damn.

"Alya?" Marinette asked, pretending she didn't already know what happened during the attack, "What happened??" Concern crept into her voice in spite of knowing exactly what her friend was about to say.

"Well, we were just a tad close to the Akuma," Alya hesitated on the phone, "-and uh, long-story-short-" a longer pause, "-Ladybughadtorescueus!"

"ALYA!" Marinette yelled into the phone, "Again? Rescue you from what? How close were you?" It was admittedly kinda fun to protectively interrogate her friend. She could see why Alya always yelled at her when she disappeared.

"Um. The dragon kinda... almost... hit-us-with-its-tail." Alya said quickly.

"ALYA! How close-"

"But-! But," Alya interrupted Marinette, "Peter, that kid, that guy from America, he's got insane reflexes. Or spatial awareness. Or something. He saw the dragon's tail coming and he's the one who saved us from getting hit. Shoved me to the ground!" Alya cleared her throat, "If he hadn't seen it coming, we would've been doomed."

Marinette raised an eyebrow. Alya must have heard it. "So, so, we were never actually in danger. Peter had it covered. The whole time." Alya stressed.

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