Chapter 8

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In seeking leniency for Geng Yue, Ning Rushen inadvertently attracted the emperor's wrath. Amid the whispers circulating the court, there was a loud call for the dismissal and punishment of Secretary Geng.

Heeding the clamor, Emperor Li Wuting sanctioned the order to imprison Geng Yue for a trial.

The following day, under the bright and serene sky, Ning Rushen set out to meet Meng Ke Bao. He dressed simply in a vermilion robe with unadorned elegance, his black hair casually tied back, embodying the appearance of someone recovering from illness. Tucked at his waist was a jade ring gifted by Emperor Li Wuting—a ring too large for him to wear and too precious to leave at home for fear of theft. Thus, he had Xing Lan attach a string to it so he could carry it with him.

Wrapping his cloak tighter around him, he declared, "Let's go to the Bao residence."

Silence ensued, followed by a snap! Yan Min confidently took the reins, steering the carriage towards the Meng residence.

Two quarters of an hour later, the carriage halted at the back entrance of the Meng residence. Meng Ke Bao had earlier implored Ning Rushen to keep their meeting a secret, advising him to proceed with caution and discretion.

Stepping down from the carriage with Yan Min's assistance, Ning Rushen glanced at the deserted alley and quipped, "So discreet that if one were buried here, no soul would notice."

Yan Min responded with a mix of alarm and irritation, "Psh! My lord, what nonsense!"

He leaned in to whisper, "Besides, the Emperor knows, doesn't he?"

After knocking, a servant promptly came to guide them in. As Ning Rushen followed through the backyard, he couldn't help but marvel at the lavish landscape, vastly more luxurious than his own estate. He pondered silently on the potential for such wealth to improve flood defenses...

Their party quickly arrived at the main hall, where Meng Ke Bao awaited with a smile, despite the bandages wrapped around his head.

"Lord Ning, you've arrived."

Ning Rushen, eyeing his bandaged forehead, asked as if he had forgotten, "What happened to you, Lord Meng?"

Meng Ke Bao's smile faltered, nearly gritting his teeth as he reminded, "I tripped... over the courtyard wall—Lord Ning, truly a man of great fortune tends to forget."

Realization dawned on Ning Rushen, "Oh right, my estate was burgled."

Meng Ke Bao was nearly faint with frustration: Who cares about that?!

As confusion reigned, Ning Rushen had already made himself at home, instructing the servants to fetch him a cushion:

Having been subjected to corporal punishment, he couldn't endure sitting on the hard surface.

Once the cushion was placed, Ning Rushen and the now composed Meng Ke Bao took their seats. With a weak cough, Ning Rushen cut to the chase, "About what Lord Meng mentioned the other day..."

"Oh, yes, yes... That's what we were here to discuss."

Meng Ke Bao dismissed the servants and had his trusted aides guard the door before clearing his throat and beginning, "I sympathize with Lord Ning, unable to bear seeing a pearl covered in dust. I have specially pointed out a clear path for you."

Ning Rushen listened intently, "Please, Lord Meng, go on."

"At present, you've fallen out of the emperor's favor. There's only one person in the court who can help you regain your esteemed position..."

"And who might that be, Lord Meng?"

Meng Ke Bao looked at him intently, "Naturally, it's the Prime Minister."

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