Chapter 26

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A small storefront, yet business was booming. As Ning Rushen and Geng Yan strolled by at mealtime, they found the place packed. In the noisy lobby, only one round table near the window remained empty.

Geng Yan ordered a few items and then asked, "How did you manage to get into the palace last night? Did something urgent come up?"

Ning Rushen absentmindedly replied, "No... just wanted to grab a bite."

His mood suddenly became complex and hard to express. Seeing Ning Rushen's casual demeanor, Geng Yan couldn't help but tease him.

As they began to chat, voices from the bustling lobby behind them interrupted. A waiter hurried over and said, "Excuse me, the restaurant is nearly full. Would you mind sharing a table with other guests?"

Dressed in luxurious attire, with fragrant sachets and jade belts, they approached the table. When Ning Rushen looked up, he recognized the young men in noble attire, especially the leader—Yu Tiao.

The two groups locked eyes, the atmosphere tense.

Yu Tiao spoke first, neither friendly nor hostile, "Oh, who knew someone was making such a grand display, occupying a whole table. It turns out to be Lord Ning."

Ning Rushen replied calmly, "Oh, so it's not about sharing a table, but about sharing fathers."

Yu Tiao was furious. "You...!"

The waiter nervously wiped his sweat nearby, "Gentlemen, please be civil."

Seeing the young nobles still standing at the table, Ning Rushen was considering whether to trip them with his leg or lie flat on the table to block them from sitting down...

A voice interrupted, oblivious to the tension, but quite familiar.

Ning Rushen turned and saw Yi Shiyi holding two bags of freshly baked pastries. Recognizing him, Yi Shiyi nodded in surprise, "It's you, sir."

Ning Rushen thought, *Why is it you?*

Seems like buying pastries allows for a flexible schedule.

Yu Tiao and his friends frowned. "Who's this?"

Ning Rushen glanced around and suddenly changed his mind, nodding toward them, "Please, have a seat."

Yi Shiyi graciously took a seat beside them.

Yu Tiao and his friends exchanged glances and sat down as well.

The waiter hurriedly brought the menu, calming the situation at the table. Ning Rushen looked at the group in front of him, realizing he had inadvertently brought together people who shouldn't be together.

Ignoring the people across from him, he turned to Yi Shiyi, "What are you doing here?"

Yi Shiyi replied, "I lined up for pastries all morning and got hungry. A friend mentioned this restaurant in the west of the city, so I came."

Ning Rushen thought, *...*

As they talked, the dishes they ordered arrived one after another.

Ning Rushen picked up his chopsticks and started to pick at the dishes on the table, while the conversation continued on the other side.

"I heard someone who was seriously injured and sick for a long time, but still seemed able to eat and run."

"Without adding some spice, how can things be made big?"

Snap! Geng Yan slammed his chopsticks down. "You mother——"

Ning Rushen raised his hand and closed his jaw.

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