Chapter 24

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Ning Rushen stared at Li Wuting at the door, momentarily caught off guard—

He then saw Shi Yi behind him. Shi Yi met his gaze and nodded.

"Get someone to request leave for you, and go directly to the imperial court!"

No wonder it went from "Imperial Court Jin Yiwei" to "Former Jin Yiwei."

Geng Yan, trembling beside him, bowed, "I, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

Li Wuting glanced at him, "No need for formalities, we meet often enough."

Li Wuting withdrew his gaze, then looked at the thin blanket that had just been put down, and walked into the room.

Ning Rushen only then regained his composure, hastily sat up and saluted, "I, I pay my respects to Your Majesty..." He was wearing only a thin robe, which hung loosely as he sat up, revealing his slender, white figure.

Li Wuting's eyelids flickered, "You're excused."

Ning Rushen lay back on the pillow, facing Li Wuting.

He had been so irritated by Geng Yan's shouting earlier, and Geng Yan had only stood by his side, so he hadn't noticed—

But now, facing Li Wuting, he belatedly pulled the thin blanket behind him, and the silky fabric loosely gathered around his shoulders.

Ning Rushen adjusted the blanket and asked, "Why has Your Majesty come?"

Li Wuting finally shifted his gaze back, "I heard Ning Qing was seriously injured and still hasn't taken his medicine. I came to see how Ning Qing is recovering."

"..." Shi Yi, you're great.

Ning Rushen lightly quibbled, "It's that I haven't taken it 'yet.'"

"It's been so long, you should have taken it by now." Li Wuting didn't believe his excuse, glancing sideways at the medicine bowl on the bedside table, he ordered, "Go heat up the medicine."

Xing Lan immediately carried the medicine bowl downstairs, "Yes!"

Ning Rushen, "..."

The medicine was quickly reheated and brought back.

Ning Rushen watched as Xing Lan brought over the steaming, dark bowl, unable to resist trembling. Taking advantage of Li Wuting sitting at the bedside, he tried to hide behind him.

He shook his head at Xing Lan with a look of resistance:

Red flowers, small bridges, old ladies!

Xing Lan was momentarily at a loss, "Sir..."

Just as he hesitated, a hand suddenly reached out and took the bowl.

Ning Rushen: ?

Li Wuting held the bowl of medicine, lowered his eyes, and looked at him, "Where are you trying to hide?"

Ning Rushen, painfully exposed, "..."

Li Wuting said, "Well, since I'm personally serving you, shouldn't you drink it?"

De Quan immediately laughed and intervened, "Oh, Ning Daren is just being formal. He's thanking Your Majesty in his heart!"

Ning Rushen thought to himself, "...I thank you all."

The hot bowl of medicine sat quietly in front of him.

With Li Wuting's calm gaze still on him from above.

Ning Rushen hesitated for a moment, then clenched his pillow, leaned his head over, and reluctantly drank from the bowl...

A few steps away, Geng Yan was startled!

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