Big influence - 6

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"Come on you two! We are leaving now!" Niall said while knocking loudly on the door to the back, Louis and Harry were sitting cuddling on the couch after the little mishap earlier. 

Louis was feeling embarrassed about everything happening, so he just mushed his face closer to Harry's neck, he needed comfort. 

He somehow felt closer to Harry than he had in a long time, he knew that if Harry saw him in such a vulnerable state and didn't leave, he might never leave him, he might stay even though there is much more chaos and hardship to come.

He wanted to stay here forever, it was so nice and warm, and it really felt safe, but Harry had to start moving and rustling him out of the warmth.

"Come on, bug, we have to go sing for many thousands of people!" Harry said enthusiastically, even though Louis wasn't as excited as him, and the fact that he hadn't performed sober for a few months, he still felt good about it. He felt like he could manage it, it wasn't a bad thing.

"Okay... fine, I'll get up, but can we at least cuddle afterwards?" He said looking down, what if Harry didn't want to?

"Of course! Sounds like an amazing plan, Lou." He said instead of turning him down, Louis looking shocked at him, he actually wanted to be with him and cuddle him? Thats new.

Louis blushed and looked away, he knew Harry would tease him about him being a blushing mess soon enough, so he would hide it any way he could. The boys already teased him about it.

Harry chuckled, obviously seeing the blush creep up on his face faster than Louis could react, he found it absolutely adorable and always wanted to see that shy little smile and blush on his pretty cheeks.

As they got up and stretched, Harry gave Louis a little smile hoping it would help him be more comfortable without being drunk.

Harry knew it is going to be a really hard show for him, especially if he sees some of the other boys take their usual drink before the show, but he wanted Louis to know he is going to be there no matter what, he will be there even when he is sobbing over it or when he is happy and fine, no matter what he will be there for him.

He had found this new overly protective side, and he wanted to protect Louis from everything that could ever hurt him, he knew that wasn't healthy so he wasn't going to but he really wanted to.

They go to the start of the bus and see the boys chilling on the sofa there, waiting.

"We are here now, shall we leave?"  And they all cheered, all being ready and hyped up for the show, they were always like that, pumped up and feeling like on a sugar high. It felt great, especially when you have had something to drink or smoked some weed, but Louis knew he couldn't do that, not now, he had to at least try for a few days before he could say he failed. 

"Okay pipe it down, we need to get to soundcheck and then we can all cheer, did everyone remember to clean their ears?" He snorts, he needs to still be seen as the funny one who makes jokes all the time, he needs to be kept afloat so he doesn't divulge into drinking. 

They all laugh and make more jokes as they move towards the venue, they know there are fans outside of the venue waiting for them, they've probably queued for days just to see them for a few hours. It makes Louis shiver, just thinking about why people do it, that the fans look up to him and the other boys, that he needs to be better, if not for him then for the fans, he needs to be someone they can look up to and not be discouraged and wanting to drink or smoke, he doesn't want that, especially not in someone so young as most fans are. 

He wants to be a positive influence on them, he can't be such a fuck up and be as famous as he is. 

"Hey buddy, you feeling okay?" Harry asks quietly taking his hand, Harry's hands are always so soft, he likes it. 

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