The Beginning of a wonderful journey!

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The camera pan over, a large three-story house with a large outdoor ranch. That had enough room for all the Pokémon that lived there. The scene cut to Alexia still asleep in her bed, while on a smaller bed there was a Kirlia sleeping.

"Beep... Beep..."

The of the alarm clock going off woke her up, she immediately shut it off and let out a yawn as she sat on her bed and stretched.

"Good morning, Kirlia."She smiled down at her friend.

"Kir-Kirlia."Kirlia greeted back as she rubbed her eyes.

Alexia got out of bed and headed off to the bathroom, after a nice shower, she walked out of the bathroom wearing her everyday outfit. She then goes back in her bedroom, she grabbed her backpack and doubled check making sure she had pack everything she would need for her journey.

There was a knock on the door.

"Alexia? Are you up yet, honey?"

"Yes, mom I'm up!"

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were up. Oh, and come down soon, your breakfast is ready."

"We'll be right there, mom!"

A few minutes later...

When Alexia and Kirlia come downstairs, the breakfast was all set on the table, as she saw her mom and dad sitting down at the table eating.

"Good morning, mom and dad."She greeted them as she walked toward the table with Kirlia in toe.

"Good morning... Oh and you too Kirlia."They greeted back, Alexia start to eat, enjoying her mom cooking.

"Lexi, do you still have the postcard you've received from Professor Rowan? You know that you'll need that in order to receive your Pokédex, right?"

Alexia swallow some of her toast, and start digging into her jacket pocket before taking the card out.

"Yup, right here! I would never forget this, I've been waiting for a long time for this day."She said, showing the postcard to her parent.

Her mother smiled softly at her, as they continued eating their breakfast.

"Kirlia is going to be your starter right?"Her father asked.

"That's right!"

"Kir!"Kirlia nodded.

Her father chuckled."I remember when I started out... I'd trouble deciding who I wanted to pick as a starter... That is, until I met Swampert back when he was a mudkip."

Her mother snorted."You didn't choose him, it was him that choose you. I still remember little Mudkip walking up to you while you were deep in thought, and then he send a Water Gun at your face."

Alexia and her mother laughed as her father smiled sheepishly.

A few minutes later...

Alexia put Kirlia in the basket of her bike, before looking back at her parents who were on the porch, smiling softly at their only daughter.

"Well then... I better get going. I'll call you soon... Okay?"Alexia said.

"Alright, just be careful down on the road, okay?"

"I will!"Alexia said, getting on her bike.

"And Kirlia take care of our daughter!"

Kirlia looked back and nodded, as her parents watch their daughter making her way down the road.


Alexia pedals along a road, after a few moments she spots a familiar house, and as she approaches she sees her best friend and her mother standing in front of the house.

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