An Unexpected Encounter!

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It was lunch time for the gang and their pokémon, everyone were helping preparing the lunch when suddenly they heard an explosion nearby.

"What was that?"Alexia wondered.

They immediately ran over to see what was going on, once there they see Aipom and Piplup fighting each other.

"Hey, you two! Cut it out!"Ash called out.

"Stop your fighting right now!"Dawn demanded.

Unfortunately they didn't listen to them, as Turtwig decide to put a end to it as he leap in the air. But sadly for Turtwig he was blown back by Aipom's Focus Punch and Piplup's Peck attack. This made Turtwig angrier as he attack them back with a Razor Leaf.

"Hey! You can treat my Piplup like that!"Dawn protested.

"Dawn, calm down. Turtwig was only trying to break them up."Alexia said, they watch as Aipom and Piplup stop fighting. "See."

"Cool! Turtwig, thanks!"Ash said, only for Turtwig to jump and bite Ash's head. "Hey, cut it out already!"He said, laughing, as he tried to pull Turtwig off.

"Pathetic."A familiar voice sneered.

Everyone turned around and see Paul standing there, looking at them unimpressed.

"Hey, it's Paul."Ash said, Paul smirk at being recognized. "You sure do know how to show up somewhere out of nowhere."

"I'm just training to get ready, for the Oreburgh Gym battle."Paul replied.

"That's quite a coincidence, since we're traveling there, too."Alexia said, Paul's caught sight of Turtwig.

"Am I seeing things, or is that Turtwig your new Pokémon?"Paul asked.

"Yeah! You're not seeing things. We're talking strong."Ash chuckled.

"Doesn't look so to me."Paul sneered.

"What!?"Ash snapped.

Alexia frowned."Once again, he's judging Ash's Pokémon with a simple glance..."

"Oh yeah? Well, let's have a battle, so I can show you!"Ash said, with confidence.

"Fine. Our last battle had put a bad taste in my mouth. And I also want to give my friend here for a chance of revenge."Paul said, as he threw his Pokéball. And Chimchar came out of it.

"Hey, Turtwig! How do you feel about battling right now?"Ash asked.

"Wig..."Turtwig nodded as he walked in front of Ash.

"Ash! A Fire type like Chimchar has an advantage over a Grass type!"Dawn tried to explain.

"No this time."Ash muttered, glaring at Paul.

"Are you sure you want to use Turtwig? You two haven't done much training together since you had caught him."Alexia said, with concerned.

"Yeah! Turtwig and I got this!"Ash answered, Alexia sighed at how stubborn he was. Then Brock volunteered to be the referee like the last time, but Paul told him it wasn't necessary.

The battle was going to take place near a ledge where a waterfall was close by.

"You can go first."Paul said.

"Well, I'm not going to hold back! Turtwig, use Tackle!"Ash called.

Turtwig immediately took off charging right at Chimchar...

"Quick, dodge it!"Paul yelled, Chimchar quickly evaded the move, as Paul was done. "Now, use Scratch!"

Chimchar obeyed as he quickly get close to Turtwig.

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