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Alexia and her friends were making their way to Jubilife City for Dawn's first Pokémon Contest. As they walked, they were suddenly interrupted by a Pokémon that had jumped right in front of them.

"A Scizor!" Ash exclaimed.


"What's a Scizor doing around here?" Alexia wondered.

"Scizor, the Pincer Pokémon. It intimidates its foes by its claw, and print it with the eye-like pattern." Dawn's Pokédex buzzed.

"Wow, cool!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Scizor!" A voice is heard and a young girl emerges from the forest. "Scizor, can't you slow down for a bit? You don't have to be in such a rush."

"HELLO!" Brock immediately got down on one knee in front of the girl. "As far as I'm concerned, the only place you should rush to is by my side."

"Really?" The girl asked, confused. Dawn, Ash, and Alexia sweat-dropped at the reaction.

"No. Not again!" Dawn complained, and walked over to the girl. "That Scizor looks great! Is it yours?"

"It sure is! Scizor is my all type fave! Anyway, I heard there's a Gym close by. Do you all know if that's true?" The girl asked.

"The Gym?" Ash repeated.

"I never heard of a Gym nearby, the closest one from here is in Oreburgh City." Alexia said, confused.

"Yeah! Like she said, it's past Jubilife City." Ash nodded.

"No! That's not what I mean. I'm talking about a brand new Gym that just opened up! That's what we're looking for." The girl argued.

"A brand new Gym?" Ash asked.

"I haven't heard of a new Gym opening nearby." Alexia said.

"It's called the Powerzone Gym." The girl answered.

"What do you say we go find it, too?" Ash suggested to Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu nodded.

"I'd love to see how a real Gym operates!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Then, let's all go look for it! Oh, by the way, Minnie's my name." Minnie said.

"Hi, I'm Ash." Ash said nicely.

"Pika Pikachu."

"I'm Alexia. A pleasure." Alexia smiled.

"Kirlia." Kirlia bowed.

"I'm Dawn! Nice to meet you!" Dawn giggled.

"Nice to meet you! C'mon! Let's go!" Minnie called out.

"Right!" Everyone except Brock nodded.

Brock looked saddened as he sighed. "The name's Brock, whether you break my heart or not."

Later, the five trainers head for the gym, having found clues to its location.

"To tell you the honest truth, I'm not that very good of a battler at all. Word is, that the Powerzone Gym takes the Pokémon that loses there, and thains them, to make them strong." Minnie explained.

"That's such a nice thing to do." Dawn said.

"Sure is! I figured that they could help me, too." Minnie said. "Hey, look that's got to be it!"

In front of them stood a pink building bearing the logo of a giant Pokéball. They head inside and see that a battle is already underway.

"Use Fury Swipes, Sandslash!" A boy called.

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