A tough decision! Gyms or contests?

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A Buneary was standing in front of Dawn, while the rest of the gang was standing on the side line, with Brock and Alexia sitting on a rock along with Kirlia and Pikachu.


"This time for sure, Dawn. Go for it!"Ash said, encouraging Dawn.

"I'm so psyched! Here we go!"Dawn said, readying a Pokéball...

"Hold on! You gotta make your Pokéball bigger first!"Ash pointed out, upon seeing it was true, Dawn was startled as she struggled to keep the ball in her hands and enlarge it.

"You'd better hurry! It'll get away!"Ash warned her, thought this doesn't help Dawn with her nerves.

"All right! I'm ready no! Let's go, Pokéball!"

But as she was in the middle of throwing it, the ball fell right out of her hand in the midst of her throw. Because of that, it ended up hitting Ash directly on the face.

"Oops, sorry!"Dawn apologized quickly, as Alexia was laughing in the background.

"Ugh... Watch where you throw that thing!"Ash snapped at her, looking annoyed.

"It was an accident! If you hadn't been yelling at me, my hand wouldn't have slipped!"Dawn shot back.

"You weren't doing it right!"

"Pika..."Pikachu sighed, watching them arguing.

"Look! Don't you get nasty with me!"

"Just get it together and I won't have to!"

"Hum, guys."Alexia called out, as she watches Buneary hopping away into the bushes and out of sight... All the while Ash and Dawn continued arguing...

"Piplup! Piplup! Piplup!"Piplup cried out, catching their attention before turning to see the absence of Buneary.

"No! Buneary!"They exclaimed, before Dawn glared at Ash.

"Well, I hope you're happy now."Dawn snapped at him.

"Don't look at me!"Ash shot back.

"Why not?! It's your fault!"

"Your yapping scared Buneary away, you know!?"

"All right, that's enough. There's always next time."Alexia said, getting in between them.

"But it's his fault for why I was distracted, Lexi!"Dawn argued.

"Says the one who couldn't throw her Pokéball properly!"Ash shot back.

"That's on you!"

"No, that's on you for not noticing it first!"

"You're the one that's even louder than I am!"

"Well you're speaking even louder than you were before!"

"Ugh..."Alexia pinched the bridge of her nose, getting an headache with how loud they're arguing.

A few minutes later.

As they walk down the road, Ash and Dawn continue to argue.

"Just great! I could have a Buneary, if it wasn't for a certain big mouth."

"Oh yeah? I could get me a Buneary in spite of your big mouth!"Ash shot back.

"Next time, butt out!"

"That's if there is a next time."

"I'm catching lots of Pokémon!"

"You won't if you keep doing stupid stuff!"

"Are you calling me stupid!?"Dawn glare at Ash.

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