Dawn catches her first Pokémon!

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"WHAT! NO WAY!" Dawn screeched, as a couple of wild Starlys flew out of a tree, startled by the scream. Ash and Pikachu woke up from yet another scream of Dawn. As Ash woke, he saw that Alexia and Brock were already awake and dressed. Brock was making breakfast, while Alexia was brushing Vulpix's fur.

"Dawn, what's wrong?" Ash asked, but just as he was about to enter the tent...

"Don't you dare come in here! My hair's a mess, and nobody sees it!" Dawn hissed.

"C'mon, Dawn. Don't sweat it that's what hats are for." Ash assured.

Inside the tent, Dawn was in a really bad mood, looking at her hair which was tangled.

"Well isn't that a typical male response. Ash, unlike your 'I don't care how I look' appearance, I take pride in my appearance get it!" Dawn snapped.

"But it's just not worth it to get nuts about hair." Ash said.

"That's your opinion!"

Brock sighed before turning towards Croagunk. "See? You're witnessing a typical morning for this crazy family. But you will get used to it."

Croagunk just keep croaking. While Alexia just finished brushing Vulpix, who thanked her and jumped down to her bowl of food. Alexia stood up and went near Dawn's tent.

Alexia sighed. "Dawn, you could have just ask me to do your hair instead of making a scene."

"Ah! I just thought you were still sleeping..."

"You know I always wake up early, and even then your screaming would have woke me up either way..."

"Alright then! You've got to come in here!" Dawn exclaimed, Alexia nodded and went inside the tent, her eyes grew wide once inside.

"Yikes..." Alexia sighed as she grabbed a brush and began to brush Dawn's hair.

"Thanks Lexi..."

Alexia smiled as she kept brushing. Soon, she was finished as Dawn's hair looked flat again. However... her blue long hair poofed into a mess once again as Piplup started laughing at the look.

"Argh... what a mess." Alexia groaned.

"You said said it... but what should I do?" Dawn grumbled.

Alexia looked around for something to help, until her gaze land on Piplup who kept laughing. An idea form in her head.

"I got it!" Alexia clapped her hand.

"Got what?" Dawn asked.

"Piplup, use Bubblebeam on Dawn!" Alexia called.

"WHAT!?" Dawn shrieked. "Why?"

"Just trust me. Do it, Piplup!"

Piplup nodded as he used the Water Type move on Dawn's hair. And a couple of bubbles floated out of Dawn's tent. Which caught Ash and Brock attention along with the Pokémon.

"Huh!? What was that for? That's weird." Ash said, while Brock peeled off the last potato.

"Do you think that was to fix her bed head?" Brock asked.

Just as Brock was about to put the last potato in the bowl, it slipped out of his hand and rolled to Croagunk, who just stared at it, curiously.

"Hey, could you pass it here for me?" Brock asked. Croagunk croaked as it looked at Brock then at the potato, then back at Brock. "Please, do me a favor." With that, Croagunk picked up the potato and threw it into the air. It headed straight for Ash, he backed up trying to catch it, but he bumped into Dawn and fall down with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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