Chapter three: Brother

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When the entire monastery heard Jay's screech everyone came running to Garmadon's room. Nya was the first on the scene which meant that Jay grabbed her first.

"Oh my FSM did you know?!" Jay asked nya as he shook his Yang violently

"Know what?" Nya asked in between shakes as Kai dramatically slid onto the scene.

"What's going on?" Kai asked.

Nya shrugged just as Cole and Zane ran up to Garmadon's door from opposite directions. "What's going on?" Cole asked

"At this point I know about as much as you do," Zane said though it was clear to anyone that Zane was checking the security cameras he insisted be installed.

Wu and Lloyd were the Las to approach mainly because Lloyd was carrying Christofern and everyone knew hurt Lloyd's plant brother you'd face Garmadon's wrath. Wu though froze when he saw the ornate chest on Garmadon's posession.

"Brother...," Wu started to say before Garmadon turned his attention onto his brother

"How could you? No better yet how dare you! How dare you try to erase him Wu he was our brother and more of a father to us than our own father was! And yet you never told them anything about him!" Garmadon shouted at Wu

"I can..." Wu started to say only for Garmadon to cut him off, "Is your worship of our father so deep that you would purge him from history?! I know that once our father came into the picture after seven years of our life you put him to the wayside but how dare you forget that he was the one who did everything for us without asking for anything in return!"

"Don't you dare talk about him he abandoned us!" Wu shouted leaving the ninja to just watch the shouting match unfold.

"He didn't abandon us Wu he let us walk our own paths to become men who could stand on our men. And you  know as well as I that father was trying to control him because his elemental power was something that not even our father could comprehend by forcing him into a marriage that neither he nor the royal family wanted!" Garmadon shouted back glaring at Wu.

Lloyd having had enough shouted,"would someone just tell us what is going on?!"

"Indeed Wu why don't you tell your nephew about the uncle you neglected to tell him about," Garmadon sarcastically told Wu

"I will not have him know of that man now or ever," Wu snapped

"He is our brother. You just didn't like him because he defied our destiny that father laid for us. You hated him because he kept stopping me from going over the edge!" Garmadon shouted

Jay finally having had enough shouted, " Lloyd has another uncle!!!"

Everyone stared at Jay. Garmadon in mild approval, the rest of the ninja in surprise, but Wu was disappointed in his pupil.


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