Chapter Five: Eyes in Shadows

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A ghostly figure watched the shadows as he watched over his nephew with a kind smile.  He'd always know that it would be Garmadon out of all three of them who'd have kids.  And even though he was long since dead he did everything he could do in his undead power to help his nephew through out all of the trails and tribulations sent his way. 

But he knew that his nephew was on the trail of what happened to him all those millenia ago.  He, personally, would never forgive Chen for trapping him in Hyrule by getting him arrested for five years and then destroying his only way home.  He missed his brother's wedding, the birth of his nephew, and if he'd been there he could've taken Lloyd in and spared him from the tortures, that he never told the ninja about, he had to endure at that so called school.

"First c'mon Time wants to talk about... again?" his most furry successor asked him

"Can you blame me Twilight? I died and more people than just the people of Hyrule suffered my own flesh and blood and my home also  had to suffer because of my incompetence," Link responded as he watched his nephew

"It's not your fault," Twilight tried to soothe the first incarnation of the heroes spirit

"Isn't it though?" Link sadly asked as he looked upon his young nephew.

Twilight bit his lip. He knew that feeling all to well he felt it when Collin and the village children had been taken and it hadn't faded after he saved Hyrule from Zant and Ganondorf. It was guilt and First sadly had more than the rest of them combined.

Twilight looked at Lloyd. Lloyd who was a lot like Time. Started his fight early in life to early even by Time's standards having only been seven years old when he was discovered to be the Green ninja who was then rapidly aged by Tomorrow's tea into a teenager and unlike Time who could go back and forth between being a kid and teenager Lloyd didn't have that option.

So yes he understood First's guilt more so than most. First loved his family even though his youngest brother, Wu, was a total jerk. Regardless each Link saw First's family as there own and looked after them and helped whenever they could.

"It's regarding your family First," Twilight told Link

"What about them?" Link frantically asked

"The coalesce is going to happen again," Twilight told

"How? My father...,"

"I know but a lot is going to happen and Time wants us to be prepared. We'll help your family First,  but we need to prepare," Twilight told him knowing that tearing Link away from his family hurt the man more than anything else

"I'll be there shortly," Link told Twilight as he looked at his nephew flicking his wrist stopping a grundle from exiting it cave by caving the entrance in.

"First I'll go check on him later I promise you he'll never be alone," Twilight told Link.

Sky had ensured that Ultra dragon returned during the Devourer incident.  Time had reversed time during the Nadakkan incident. Wind had helped soothe Morro after the incident with the Preeminent. Four always made sure that the ninjas weapons were sharp. And Twilight would check in on all of them at least once a month. But it never felt like enough. Especially to Link since he was so young when he was killed by wounds inflicted by Demise when skyloft rose beyond the clouds.

"C'mon let's get going before Time bursts a blood vessel," Twilight half joked as he took First away casting one last look at Lloyd who was returning to the monastery before embarking to Chen's island in the morning.

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