Back on track

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(A/N: this chapter takes place years later after the Merge.)

Lloyd smiled as he watched Arin practice on his spinjitzu. But he looked over at Sora, the Master of Technology.  Sure many new elemental masters had popped up since the Merge like Geo master of fusion, or Wyldfire master of heat. But all of these new elemental powers made Lloyd's heart ache.  Not even twenty four hours after going to sleep while cuddling Wolfie the Merge happened and he was forced to stop looking for his uncle in lieu of looking over the New Monastery and The Crossroads.

He then looked over at the nearby wall that contained three separate portraits.  One was of Wu, another was his father,  but the last one was a portrait of Link.

"-od...-yod...LLOYD!" Sora shouted, something she rarely did.

"Sorry Sora. Is everything okay?" Lloyd apologized

"Are you okay you keep looking at those portraits?" Sora asked him

"I'm... fine ," Lloyd lied except Sora immediately caught on if her stare was anything to go by.

"Is it Master Wu?" Sora guessed having heard about him from Arin who'd told her about the men in two of the portraits though the last man remained a mystery even to Arin.

"Not exactly, " Lloyd said scratching the back of his neck.

"Sora I need a hand with making a few upgrades to the Bounty mind helping me?" Nya called out for Sora

"Um....," Sora hesitated

"Actually Nya I would be happy to help you with the upgrades," Arin said before pushing Nya towards the bounty.

Arin might not be capable of picking up certain social cues but he was extremely in tune with Sora's cues. After Arin shuffled Nya away Sora turned to Lloyd with an expectant look.

Lloyd sighed before answering knowing not to fight Sora on these things,"That's my Uncle, Link,  the elemental master of Spirit. The first and, until recently, the only elemental master whose power was outside of my grandfather's control and power completely. I've only heard stories about him but he died years ago defending another realm".

"Which realm? Maybe we'll be able to get more answers from the Crossroads?" Sora suggested.

"Some place called Hyrule. Ever heard of it?" Lloyd asked her.

"Ever heard of it? Lloyd Hyrule is on the travel ban list because of how dangerous the place is because of the monsters that roam the whole land.  Not even the Claws of Imperium were stupid enough to go there to capture their dragons because it wasn't worth it. There group of protectors if fierce and dangerous," Sora told Lloyd

"Really? Huh?" Lloyd said thoughtfully.

"Lloyd," Sora said dragging out his name to make a point.

"Look Sora other than the hall of Elementals which was lost during the Merge, I have no other leads on my uncle," Lloyd told Sora, "this could be my one chance to at least bring my family some closure or at the very least recover his body for a proper burial".

Sora could only look at Lloyd before shaking her head,"unless you have permission to enter it won't be easy especially since much like Egalt and Rontu their ninjas known as the Shieka are tough and extremely skilled.  About a year before we met you Arin and I saw one single Shieka take on an entire armada of The Fangs of Imperium and win. It's not going to be easy".

"When is it ever?" Lloyd asked with a knowing look.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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