Dylan Brown- 🎉Surprise🎉

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Waking upto my alarm I groaned an turned it off Today I'll be moving to NSW, Australia from New Zealand I was born in NSW but moved to new Zealand to go to school an that's how I met Dylan but he became a NRL star an play's for Eel's an they made ...

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Waking upto my alarm I groaned an turned it off Today I'll be moving to NSW, Australia from New Zealand I was born in NSW but moved to new Zealand to go to school an that's how I met Dylan but he became a NRL star an play's for Eel's an they made it to the Grand Final so I have to make a video for that.

Me an Dylan have dated since we were 17 an now were 23 it's obviously been long distance but since Dylan's family is over here he fly's over here every month or 2 an I try to fly over as much as I can which is rare.

But today it change's so I got out of bed an got changed into a comfy outfit basically I found out I was pregnant because last time Dylan was here we did it which was a month ago an I found a baby onesie.

But today it change's so I got out of bed an got changed into a comfy outfit basically I found out I was pregnant because last time Dylan was here we did it which was a month ago an I found a baby onesie

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I got it made with Brown on the back then sent it to Fletch an Hindy as Dylan is mean't to go on their show an I'll walk in.

Sitting on my bed I set my phone up an started recording "Hey baby I just wanted to come on here an tell you how much I love an appreciate you also I'm proud of you an your team for reaching the final's an I can't wait to cheer you on tomorrow behind the tv I'm sorry I can't make it but don't be upset ok just know I love you very much" -I said blowing a kiss to him an stopping the recording as I sent it to the Eels an grabbed my suitcase's.

No One's POV

Alright Dylan so just watch the video an I'll tell you everything after -Lady said Ok -Dylan said sitting down Just swipe -Lady said Oh ok -Dylan said swiping only to see his baby come on the screen.

Hey baby I just wanted to come on here an tell you how much I love an appreciate you also I'm proud of you an your team for reaching the final's an I can't wait to cheer you on tomorrow behind the tv I'm sorry I can't make it but don't be upset ok just know I love you very much -Y/n said.

Oh wow I miss her man my baby -He said crying Who is that -Lady said Uh uhm -Dylan said trying to hold back tear's That's my beautiful girlfriend of 7 year's soon 8 year's an uhm she try's her hardest to come see me but she's in school an in New Zealand I am so proud of her I love her to death she's my forever -Dylan said crying.

How did you meet -Lady said Uhm so she's from here New south wales but she was sent to a school in New zealand an that's how we met we basically went to school together for 2 year's then I wanted to do NRL an here I am an she's been by my side but I miss her so much she look's so cute can I keep that video -He said the lady nodded.

Y/n's POV
I had just landed in Sydney an now I was on the way to Parrramatta where Dylan's house was. Arriving I smiled an thanked the driver an walked to the front door an put my key in an walked in breathing in my new home.

It was time for me to leave to the studio of Fletch an Hindy so I ordered an uber an waited outside it arrived an I told them where to go.

Pulling up I got out of the car an thanked the driver again, walking into the studio a lady walked to me "Hey you must be Y/n your here to surprise Dylan right" -She said Uh yes -I said "Alright well The Eels are here so just go down the hallway an the camera guy will give a nod to either Fletch or Hindy an he will do it" -She said Ok thank you -I said.

No One's POV
"Alright we are here with the Eels Dylan, Mitchell, an Reagan" -Fletch said as him an Hindy shaked the boy's hand's Hindy saw the cameraman's signal.

"Ok so Boy's I saw this an I thought it was cute" -Hindy said holding up the onesie turning it as it said BROWN Mate why'd you get my name -Dylan said confused but laughing "Well we wanted to see what it look's like now Dylan you got a video from your gorgeous girlfriend today right" -Fletcher said.

Right yeh I miss her 10 time's more -Dylan said Y/n stood up an walked into the room Maybe that baby onesie is because I'm pregnant -Y/n said walking in.

Y/n's POV
Huh what the hell baby -Dylan said crying an standing up while running to me He picked me up I started crying into Dylan's shoulder Oh my baby your here -He said I am -I said.

"Now Y/n come here please" -Hindy said Ok -I said walking over an sitting on Dylan's lap "So Y/n you know what this is right" -Hindy said holding the baby onesie up Yes that's our baby onesie -I said.

What your pregnant -Dylan said Yep that's our babie's going home outfit -I said Stand up -He said which I did an he did to he started jumping up an down Boy's I'm having a baby -He yelled They all cheered an I laughed.

The Interview was finished I had left the room so they could finish but Dylan was buzzing. We walked to Dylan's car an got in So when do you go back -He asked I don't go back -I said What do you mean -He said I've finished school an moved back here the bag's are in ur house if you don't mind sorry -I said.

Wait what you moved back this is the best day ever -He said crying again Don't cry baby -I said rubbing his shoulder Were having a baby an your back with me an we are living together ok you in my bed me waking upto your gorgeous face then give you a kiss -He said leaning over an kissing me.

We arrived home as it was 5pm now, I got out of the car We went into the bedroom an I took my jumper off an laid in the bed Oh I missed this -I said It's your forever -Dylan said taking his shirt off an climbing into bed while hovering over me he connected our lip's an I kissed back.

He took my shirt off an chucked it then kissed down my neck to my belly an placed kisses on it Hello baby I'm your daddy an if your a boy your gonna play football then if your a girl your going to be as cute as your mumma -Dylan said looking at me that tear's down my cheek's.

He reached up an wiped the tear's Now don't hurt your mother ok I don't want to see her in pain an obviously it will hurt but daddy will alway's be by your mumma's side ok an if you need anything you come to me an mumma I can't wait till your in my arm's baby -He said kissing my belly.

Climbing back upto me he wiped my tear's That was really sweet Dyl your gonna be a great father to baby -I said An your gonna be a great mumma -He said pecking my lip's.

The End.

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