Chapter Six

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The following few days we fall into a familiar routine. Cozy mornings just cuddled up in bed followed by me making whatever crazy concoctions Lucy wanted. Taking the days nice and slow, just enjoying our time together. It's day four of our week off and we have been awake for only about a half an hour, cuddling together as the morning light slowly pools into our room.

A soft knock sounds at the door to our bedroom and we raise our heads to see Tamara standing in the doorway. "This letter came for you, Tim." she says, holding up an envelope. I give Lucy's hand a reassuring squeeze before I slip out from the covers and walk over to Tamara, taking the envelope from her.

"Thank you, Tamara."

"No problem. I'd love to stay and chat, but I was actually just leaving when the mailman caught me. See you guys later."

Tamara leaves and I turn to Lucy who simply shrugs. "Open it."

I tear the envelope open and begin to read it.

"What is it?"

"My boss is giving me a raise."

"Wait, really? How much?"

I glance back at her briefly. "25%"

She gasps. "What?"

My eyes scan the letter. "Apparently this has been in the works for a while. They say I'm one of the most hardworking employees they have had in a very long time, and they think I've more than earned it."


"My boss said that he couldn't think of a better time than now."


"He was going to wait until next month, marking my first year as a sargent, and tell me as a surprise, but since we're going to have so many unexpected expenses, he wanted to do it now. He also says that as long as I can tell him a general reason why, such as an appointment, I can have whatever time I need off with pay."

"Tim!" Lucy shouts.

I look up at her and see her eyes go wide. At first, she seems shocked. In a worried way. But as I study her face and see the corners of her mouth go up ever so slightly in awe, I can tell that this is a look of excitement. But why?

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is perfect. Come here."

I cautiously approach her, worried for what she might say. Is something wrong with the babies?

Once I'm close enough, she grabs my hand, pulling me even closer, before placing my hand on her bump.

"Lucy, this is nice and all, but you had me worried sick, why would you–" I am cut off by the subtlest movement below my palm. I gasp. "Is this what I think it is?"

She smiles and nods. "Our babies are kicking for the first time."

I grin. "I can't imagine that's very comfortable, is it?"

She shakes her head with a giggle. "Not particularly, but the miracle behind it makes it all worth while." 

"Which one do you think it is?"


"Which twin?"

"Oh, uh, I'm not sure. I- Oh-"

"What is it?"

Lucy pauses, placing her own hand on the other side of her belly. "Oh!"

"Lucy, are you okay?" I ask, worried.

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