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"Bullshit", Minjeong replied back.

"What?", Jimin's eyebrows furrows.

"Did you think a person like me was crazy enough to go after your damn... body?", Minjeong said with her angry smirk. Jimin sighed heavily, still holding her arms together, standing strong with her words.

"Whatever you want to say, I already say my conditions. I don't care if you want to believe it or not, but I'm a person who always sticks to every promise", Jimin said for the final time and finally walked further away from the bedroom. Minjeong stared at how the older girl walked away, letting out a loud scoff between her smirk.

But, Jimin suddenly stopped at the door frame for a moment, turning her head to Minjeong again.

"Breakfast was ready. I even made some hangover soup for you. If you want to eat, then come down. But if you didn't want to, then it's fine", Jimin said sternly before finally walking out completely from the bedroom.

Minjeong just stared at the opened door for a while. She admits that Jimin does look attractive in her eyes, every time. Why not? Jimin has milky smooth skin, Medium sized boobs that always catch Minjeong's eyes, feline lines and figure. Her red alluring lips and her face are beyond perfect. If Jimin was someone from the nightclub, Minjeong admitted that she might throw herself on Jimin or tackle her first out of all people.

It's just that Minjeong does have hatred towards Jimin deep inside her. But she never knows what's the reason for all the hate she has.

When Jimin finally disappeared from her bedroom, Minjeong slammed her door shut, locking it from the inside as she peeled every cloth off her body to clean up.

Somehow, she was thinking about the offer Jimin proposed to her.

"Well... Yu Jimin. Your offer is kind of tempting", Minjeong sneered as she threw her clothes on the bed, now completely naked. "But you know what? I'm gonna be the one who will torture you 'till the end", her smirk got even wider.


The second night comes, and Jimin is still there at the Kim's mansion, watching some TV shows while dialing a certain number on her phone. But the call didn't get any answer at all.

"Where the heck did she go again?", Jimin rolled her eyes angrily, throwing her hands to her side in frustration.

Minjeong didn't pick up her phone at all even with eleven missed calls from the older girl. It happened this afternoon when Jimin cleaned herself in the shower and when she came out, Minjeong was nowhere inside the house.

"So, she really didn't trust my words, huh? I knew it!"

Jimin keeps trying to call her number, but getting the same treatment over and over again. She was about to dial the number for the eighteenth time when suddenly she heard the sound of Minjeong's motorcycle from outside, followed by the sounds of an unfamiliar woman laughing.

Jimin immediately opened the front door and to her surprise, it was Minjeong, with another girl in such a revealing and inappropriate dress. "Who is she?", Jimin asked coldly, standing firmly at the front door.

"Not your business", Minjeong simply answered and pushed Jimin out of her away, slamming Jimin's back into the wooden door. The older girl couldn't help but let out a tiny wince in pain before she scowled angrily at Minjeong as pulled the unknown girl inside the house by hand towards her bedroom.

"Don't you dare bring her upstairs!", Jimin shouted from the front door, staring at Minjeong who ignored her and still walking her way towards her bedroom upstairs.

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